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hippi Release Notes

hippi Release Notes

1 Introduction

2 Installation Information

3 Additional Information


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       1.  Introduction

       These release notes describe IRIS HIPPI release 2.0. IRIS
       HIPPI is a network interface controller (board and software)
       providing High-speed Parallel Processing Interface (HIPPI)
       connectivity for Silicon Graphicsr CHALLENGE and Onyx
       servers and supercomputers.

       Note:  Packaged with this software is a separate sheet that
              contains the Software License Agreement.  This
              software is provided to you solely under the terms
              and conditions of the Software License Agreement.
              Please take a few moments to review the Agreement.

       IRIS HIPPI can be installed onto the following platforms:
       CHALLENGE L, CHALLENGE XL, Onyx Deskside, and Onyx
       Rackmount. Each IRIS HIPPI board provides a destination
       (reception) channel and a source (transmit) channel.  The
       IRIS HIPPI board interfaces to the operating system through
       the IBus. The IRIS HIPPI product requires one FCI connection
       on any FMezz board, and one VMEbus slot.  Multiple IRIS
       HIPPI boards can be installed; the exact number depends on
       the platform.

       IRIS HIPPI is designed for installation by authorized
       service personnel only.

       This document contains the following chapters:

        1.  Introduction

        2.  Installation Information

        3.  Additional Information

       1.1  Release_Identification_Information

       Following is the release identification information for IRIS

       Hardware        IRIS HIPPI
       Software        IRIS HIPPI

       Version         2.0

                                  - 2 -

       Product Codes   CC8-HIPPI-2.0
                       SC8-HIPPI-2.0 (software and manuals

       1.2  Operating_System_Software_Requirements

       Before installing IRIS HIPPI, verify that the operating
       system (eoe1) is compatible. The versions  command, as shown
       below, can be used to determine the release.  This IRIS
       HIPPI release requires the minimum operating system release
       shown in the example below:

       % versions eoe1
       I eoe1   date   Execution Only Environment 1, 6.0

       1.3  Hardware_Requirements

       IRIS HIPPI software runs on any of the supported platforms
       listed at the beginning of this chapter.  However, the IRIS
       HIPPI board has power requirements that must be supplied by
       the system's VMEBus.  See the "Cautions" section of Chapter
       3 of these release notes, and Table A-2 of the IRIS HIPPI
       Installation Instructions for complete details.

       For the IRIS HIPPI software to operate, the IRIS HIPPI
       hardware must be installed and connected to another HIPPI
       system, to a HIPPI switch, or to itself (using any loopback

       1.4  Obtaining_HIPPI_Cables

       HIPPI cables are not shipped with IRIS HIPPI; however, they
       are absolutely necessary for the IRIS HIPPI product to
       function, and the short length cables are very useful for
       troubleshooting. Each customer site is responsible for
       having the necessary cables for the installation. Each IRIS
       HIPPI installation requires two standard HIPPI cables that
       are long enough to reach the switch or other HIPPI endpoint
       with which the SGI system will be connected.

       HIPPI cables can be purchased in a variety of lengths (for
       example, 5, 10, and 25 meters). Some vendors carry a 6-inch
       female-to-female cable that can be used to join two standard
       HIPPI cables into one loopback cable.  Silicon Graphics is
       currently using the vendors listed below.

       Company:       Vertex
       Location:      San Jose, CA, USA
       Telephone:     408-441-1234

                                  - 3 -

       Fax number:    408-441-7890
       Contact:       Sonny Cabico

       Company:       Input Output Systems Corporation
       Location:      Mountain View, CA, USA
       Telephone:     800-HIPPI98 or 415-962-1687
       Fax number:    415-962-1469
       Contact:       Russell Saunders

       Company:       Network Systems
       Telephone:     612-424-4888
       Fax number:    612-424-2853
       Contact:       Michele Rogers  408-452-8400

       1.5  Online_Release_Notes

       After you install the online documentation for a product
       (the relnotes subsystem), you can view the release notes on
       your screen.

       If you have a graphics system, select ``Release Notes'' from
       the Tools submenu of the ToolChest. This displays the
       grelnotes(1) graphical browser for the online release notes.
       Refer to the grelnotes(1) man page for information on
       options to this command.

       If you have a nongraphics system, you can use the relnotes
       command. Refer to the relnotes(1) man page for accessing the
       online release notes.

       1.6  Product_Release_Limitations

       IRIS HIPPI does not support loading the miniroot over the
       HIPPI connection; Silicon Graphics computers cannot be
       booted over HIPPI.  This limitation does not affect loading
       the miniroot over an Ethernet network.  A system can boot
       (load the miniroot) over its Ethernet network, and,
       thereafter, function with both Ethernet and HIPPI network

       Note:  There are special configuration requirements for
              booting over the network.  See Section 2.3,
              ``Configuring a Diskless Station.''

                                  - 4 -

       1.7  Product_Support

       Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product
       support and maintenance program for its products.  If you
       are in the United States of America or Canada and would like
       support for your Silicon Graphics-supported products,
       contact the Technical Assistance Center  at

       If you are outside the U.S.A. or Canada, contact the Silicon
       Graphics subsidiary or authorized distributor in your


                                  - 1 -

       2.  Installation_Information

       This chapter provides information about installing IRIS
       HIPPI software. The information listed here is product-
       specific; for general information about installing software,
       refer to the IRIS Software Installation Guide.

       The IRIS HIPPI product consists of a hardware component and
       a software component. The hardware component is an IRIS
       HIPPI board, FCI mezzanine board, and associated cabling;
       the software is on the CD-ROM.  To install the IRIS HIPPI
       product, follow the procedures in the overview below. The
       procedures must be followed in the order they are listed.

         1.  Install the software, using the instructions in this
             document in Section 2.2, ``Installing IRIS HIPPI

         2.  Configure the software, using the instructions in
             chapter 2, ``Configuring IRIS HIPPI'' of the IRIS
             HIPPI Administrator's Guide.

             Note:  Do not configure IRIS HIPPI as the primary IP
                    network interface.  HIPPI as a primary IP
                    network connection is not supported in this

         3.  Have an authorized field service engineer install the
             hardware using the field service IRIS HIPPI
             Installation Instructions.

         4.  Verify the HIPPI connection, using the instructions in
             the section ``Verifying the HIPPI Subsystem,'' in
             chapter 3 of the IRIS HIPPI Administrator's Guide.
       2.1  General_Installation_Information

       This section contains general information about the IRIS
       HIPPI software.  This information is useful during
       installation and configuration.

       2.1.1  HIPPI_Network_Interface_Names  During development,
       each controller board that supports the IP network stack is
       given a network interface name.  The HIPPI network interface
       name is as specified below:

       hip#     The first IRIS HIPPI board found during startup is
                assigned the hip0 interface from the
                /etc/config/netif.options file.  The second board
                is assigned hip1, and so on.  The system searches
                for IRIS HIPPI boards attached to IO4 board adapter

                                  - 2 -

                slots in the following order:
                  1. on main IO4 board, adapter 5 (bottom slot),
                  then 6 (top)
                  2. on second IO4 board
                    adapter 2 (bottom slot)
                    adapter 5 (bottom slot)
                    adapter 3 (top slot)
                    adapter 6 (top slot)
                 3. on third IO4 board
                   same order as for second IO4 board
                4. on fourth IO4 board
                  same order as for second IO4 board

       2.1.2  IRIS_HIPPI_Subsystems  Following is a description of
       the IRIS HIPPI subsystems:

       hippi.sw.eoe                  IRIS HIPPI software: driver,
                                     utilities, and miscellaneous

       hippi.sw.dev                  Files required for developing
                                     upper-layer applications with
                                     the IRIS HIPPI API.

       hippi.man.eoe                 Manual pages for IRIS HIPPI
                                     utilities. There are man pages
                                     for hippi(7M), if_hip(7M),
                                     hipcntl(1M), hiptest(1M), and

       hippi.man.relnotes            These release notes.

       2.1.3  IRIS_HIPPI_Subsystem_Disk_Space_Requirements  This
       section lists the IRIS HIPPI subsystems and their sizes.
       All subsystems, except dev, are installed when you use the
       install hippi  and go commands of inst. To install the dev
       subsystem, use step  and go.

       Note:  The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
              the IRIS Software Installation Guide for information
              on determining exact sizes.

       Subsystem Name       Subsystem Size
                            (512-byte blocks)

       hippi.sw.eoe                250
       hippi.sw.dev                 12
       hippi.man.eoe                55

                                  - 3 -

       hippi.man.relnotes           32

       2.1.4  Installation_Method  All of the subsystems for IRIS
       HIPPI can be installed using the IRIX installation method.
       You do not need to use the miniroot, although you may do so,
       if convenient as part of an operating system upgrade.

       Note:  The IRIS HIPPI driver will not function until four
              additional steps are completed: (1) the IRIS HIPPI
              software is configured, (2) the board is installed,
              (3) the operating system is rebuilt, by restarting
              the system or using the autoconfig command, and (4)
              the system is rebooted.

       2.1.5  Configuration_Files  The files listed below are used
       by IRIS HIPPI software.  Some of these files must be editted
       during initial installation and configuration; editting of
       others is optional and may be done at any time for
       customization of the environment.

       File for configuring the IRIS HIPPI driver before it is
       built into the operating system. This file can be editted to
       include/exclude IP network support.

       File for configuring the IP support in the IRIS HIPPI
       driver.  This file can be editted to enable/disable a number
       of if_hip driver features.

       Script that starts hip# network interfaces. This script is
       called from within the standard /etc/init.d/network script.
       This file should not be editted.

       File used to load into memory the IPaddress-to-IField lookup
       table.  This file is loaded each time a hip# network
       interface is started, or the hipmap command is invoked.
       When an IP network interface is desired, this file must be
       editted so that it contains the mappings of local and remote
       IP hostnames to HIPPI I-fields.

       2.2  Installing_IRIS_HIPPI_Software

       This section describes how to install IRIS HIPPI software.

       2.2.1  Prerequisites  Your system must be running IRIX
       release 6.0.  To verify the release your system is currently
       running, use the command below:

                                  - 4 -

       % versions eoe1
       I eoe1   date   Execution Only Environment 1, 6.0

       2.2.2  Preparing_for_Installation

         1.  Determine the installation method.

             There are four methods for installing the IRIS HIPPI
             software: from a local peripheral device, from a
             remote peripheral device, from a remote Ethernet boot
             server (distribution directory), from a local
             distribution directory. These methods are summarized
             and explained in Chapter 4 of the IRIS Software
             Installation Guide, where Table 4-1 provides an
             excellent overview.

             Notes: ``Local'' refers to connecting the CD-ROM (or
                    tape) player directly to the target system (the
                    system onto which you are installing software).
                    ``Remote'' refers to loading the software over
                    the target system's Ethernet network connection
                    using a CD-ROM (or tape) device connected to a
                    different Ethernet station.

                    In order to install IRIS HIPPI software from a
                    remote distribution directory, your system must
                    be physically connected to the Ethernet and it
                    must have a functioning Ethernet connection.

         2.  Locate the following items:

             -    For installation from a peripheral device, locate
                  the CD-ROM disk containing IRIS HIPPI software.
                  If you specially ordered another medium (for
                  example, tape), locate that item.

             -    For installation from a peripheral device, locate
                  a device to play (read) the CD-ROM or tape. This
                  device is not shipped with the IRIS HIPPI
                  product; it belongs to your site.

             -    For installation from a distribution directory,
                  determine the host name of the Ethernet station
                  and the path to the directory.

         3.  Set up the installation hardware.

             -    If you are using a local device, follow the
                  instructions in your system's owner's guide to
                  connect the peripheral device.

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             -    If you are using a remote device, follow the
                  remote workstation or server's instructions for
                  attaching peripheral devices.

             -    For installation from a distribution directory,
                  verify that the IRIS HIPPI software has been
                  loaded onto the station.  A section of the IRIS
                  Software Installation Guide provides instructions
                  on preparing distribution directories.

       2.2.3  Installing_the_Software  Use the IRIX installation
       method to install the IRIS HIPPI software.  Step-by-step
       instructions are provided below.

       Notes: More detailed explanations about the IRIX
              installation method are located in the IRIS Software
              Installation Guide. Section 4.7.6 may be especially

              If you are not sure how to use inst, Chapter 5 in the
              IRIS Software Installation Guide provides details.

         1.  In a shell window, become superuser:
             % su
             Password: thepassword

         2.  Invoke the inst utility with the command below:
             # inst
              {the inst menu appears}

         3.  When the inst prompt appears (Inst>), use the from
             command to indicate the location of IRIS HIPPI
             software.  Table 10-3 in the IRIS Software
             Installation Guide summarizes the entries for this

             The command below can be used when the location is a
             local CD-ROM:
             Inst> from /CDROM/dist

         4.  When you are ready to install the software, use the
             command below to prepare for installation:
             Inst> install hippi

         5.  Then use the command below to install the software:
             Inst> go

         6.  When the installation completes successfully, quit:
             Inst> quit

                                  - 6 -

         7.  Follow the steps in chapter 2, ``Configuring IRIS
             HIPPI'' of the IRIS HIPPI Administrator's Guide to
             configure this software.

       2.3  Configuring_a_Diskless_Station

       A diskless IRIS HIPPI station must be configured in accord
       with the guidelines in this section.

         1.  The station must have either two network interfaces
             (an Ethernet from which to boot and a HIPPI) or a
             local CD-ROM player from which to boot and a HIPPI
             interface.  The remaining text and guidelines apply
             only to stations that boot over an Ethernet.

             A diskless workstation (client) must boot (from its
             server) over its primary Ethernet connection, hence,
             the diskless HIPPI station must have both Ethernet and
             HIPPI connections.  Use the command below to display
             the station's network interfaces, then verify that one
             of the IP addresses in the display is for the Ethernet
             local area network attached to the et0 interface:
             % /usr/etc/netstat -in

         2.  The netaddr value in NVRAM must be an Ethernet IP

             The station's PROM must use the Ethernet connection
             for booting over the network. To verify that the
             system's PROM can access the Ethernet network, use the
             commands below.  The values for netaddr and inet must
             % /etc/nvram netaddr
             % /usr/etc/ifconfig et0
              . . .
                 inet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  . . .

         3.  Ethernet must be configured as the primary network

             Once the PROM has loaded the miniroot (bootstrap
             kernel) from the boot server, control is passed to the
             miniroot. At this point, the diskless client is known
             to the boot server by the IP address in the NVRAM. If
             this address were to change at this point, the server
             would become confused and the boot process would not
             complete. The best and easiest way to prevent this
             from happening is to configure Ethernet (and build the
             miniroot with Ethernet) as the primary network

                                  - 7 -

             To verify that Ethernet is configured as the primary
             network interface and HIPPI is another, use the
             commands below:
             # /bin/grep if1name /etc/config/netif.options
             # /bin/grep hip /etc/config/netif.options

             The next kernel build (for example, autoconfig) will
             create an operating system in which Ethernet is the
             primary interface.

       Note:  Once the miniroot is in control, the booting
              procedure is completed using NFSr over the network
              interface that the station's route daemon indicates
              is the shortest path to the boot server.


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       3.  Additional_Information

       This chapter describes known problems in the current

       3.1  Known_Limitations

       This release of the IRIS HIPPI software has the following

          o The IRIS HIPPI driver does not support IP broadcast
            addresses. This means that the HIPPI network interfaces
            (hip0, hip1, etc.)  do not support BOOTP, NIS, RIP,
            timed, gated, OSPF, and the multicast version of NTP
            (which all use broadcast addresses as part of their
            normal operation).

          o The IRIS HIPPI driver cannot function as the primary
            interface on a system operating with the IP suite of
            network protocols.

          o This release of IRIS HIPPI does not support the Raw
            Network Family.  Applications that use the Snoop or
            Drain protocols cannot run over the if_hip driver.

          o The IRIS HIPPI API does not provide a way to set the
            D2_Offset value in the FP header.

          o The IRIS HIPPI API does not provide a way to set the
            P-bit to zero and in the same packet include a D1_Area.
            That is, when a D1_Area is included, it always contains
            D1 data.

          o When the IRIS HIPPI API is used to make the first burst
            short, the software does not pad out the last burst to
            full size.  It is the responsibility of the application
            to do so, and include the padding as part of the D2
            data set.

          o The IRIS HIPPI destination software does not pass the
            I-field (CCI) to the host.

       3.2  Cautions

       The IRIS HIPPI board uses more power than many VMEBus
       boards. On average, the IRIS HIPPI board uses 75 watts.
       When configuring systems with IRIS HIPPI, take care to
       verify that the total VMEBus power requirements do not
       exceed the power available on that system. More detailed
       information about the power requirements are provided in
       Table A-2 in the IRIS HIPPI Installation Instructions.  This

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       is not an issue for most configurations; however, for
       CHALLENGE L systems with 2 IRIS HIPPIs and many peripherals,
       plan carefully. Especially check the 12 volt usage.

       3.3  Documentation_Problems

       At 12 volts, the IRIS HIPPI board uses a maximum of 1.5
       amps, not 2 amps as stated on pages 2-4, 2-15, 2-28, 2-38,
       and in Table A-2 of the IRIS HIPPI Installation