- 1 - 1. Introduction These release notes describe the 6.0 IRIX Developer's Option (called IDO). The IRIX Developer's Option is a set of individually installable products: Product Name Installable Products ISO/ANSI C c_dev Base Compiler Tools dev and Headers X11 Development x_dev OpenGr Development gl_dev Motif Development motif_dev CROSS64 Development cross64 Each of these products is described in its own release note, except the CROSS64 Development Option. The CROSS64 Development Option is intended for users who want to develop 64-bit applications targeting an IRIX 6.0 system, but run their development tools on an IRIX 5.2 system. By installing the CROSS64 Development Option, a user can build 64-bit programs on an Indy (for example), and later run them on a Power Challange. It is described in more detail below. Note: Included with the IDO 6.0 software is a Software License Agreement. This software is provided to you solely under the terms and conditions of the Software License Agreement. Please take a few moments to review the Agreement. 1.1 Release_Identification_Information Following is the release identification information for the IRIX Developer's Option. Software Option Product IRIX Developer's Option Version 6.0 Product Code SC4-IDO-6.0 System Software Requirements IRIX 6.0 - 2 - 1.2 Installation_Information The IRIS Software Installation Guide fully and accurately documents the process for installing optional products such as the IRIX Developer's Option. For installation information about a specific product, refer to that product's online release notes. The CROSS64 Development Option is not intended to be installed on an IRIX 6.0 machine; there is a special installation procedure for installing CROSS64 on a 5.2 machine, which is described below. 1.2.1 Installation Information for the CROSS64 Development Option You can install the CROSS64 Development Option on a live system. This is the preferred method: 1. Become superuser. 2. Create a directory /usr/cross64 (it may be a symlink to a disk with more space). Depending on what images you install, it can take up to 300 Mb of disk space. 3. To install the IRIX 6.0 images on a IRIX 5.2 machine, you need to run the patched inst from the 5.2 patch CD-ROM, patch34, which can recognize the new product structure. If your system has not been patched yet, you must do so before doing the CROSS64 installation. Refer to the 5.2 patch CD-ROM to install patch34. It cannot be installed directly from the IRIX 6.0 CD-ROM; you need to do this from the /dist/irix5.2 directory of an installed IRIX 5.2 system or from the IRIX 5.2 CD-ROM. The images in the /dist/irix5.2 directory can be copied to a local disk or placed on the network where a miniroot local disk install or a miniroot network install can be done. If you have the 5.2 patch CD-ROM, we recommend you install from there because it is set up to install directly off the CD-ROM. See the Software Installation Guide if you need further instructions. 4. Install System Software 5. Now that you have the patch34 version of inst on your system, bring it back up. The remainder of the installation is done while your system is up. - 3 - 6. When you install, you need to redirect all installations to /usr/cross64 so you dont clobber your 5.2 operating environment. You will need the -r /usr/cross64 flag for inst. 7. You also need to tell inst to assume your system is a Power Challenge so it loads the Power Challenge images. You will use the flags: -m CPUBOARD=IP21 -m GFXBOARD=SERVER -m SUBGR=SERVER for inst. 8. At this point, it may be worthwhile to create an alias so you don't have to type in all the flags: alias crossinst "../../../usr/sbin/inst -r /usr/cross64 -m CPUBOARD=IP21 -m GFXBOARD=SERVER -m SUBGR=SERVER" 9. Then (assuming you have the IRIX 6.0 CD-ROM loaded), you can run the aliased inst to install the images simply by specifying: crossinst -f /CDROM/dist The following products must be installed in /usr/cross64 for a basic cross compilation environment: cross64 Note: this doesn't install by default, you have to ask for it by specifying: inst> install cross64" c_dev compiler_dev dev The following products can be installed optionally into /usr/cross64 and give you additional features: motif_dev Motif development (requires X) pfa_dev Power Fortran pwrc_dev Power C x_dev X development (make sure you install x_dev.sw.dev64) c++_dev C++ ftn_dev Fortran 77 motif_cross64 Note: this doesn't install by default, you have to ask for it by specifying: inst> install - 4 - motif_cross64 gl_dev OpenGL development Do not install any books into /cross64. To keep books from installing, type: inst> keep *.books After the installation is complete, you can optionally install the 6.0-specific books into your systems default book area. When doing this, you need to run the new inst; however, you can leave out the redirection and machine flags (just use inst by itself). This requires you already have InSight installed. Note: The following two books, The C++ Programmer's Guide and The C Language Reference Manual, will overwrite books by the same name in your 5.2 environment. These are updated books which provide information on 6.0 as well as 5.2 compilers. For information on how to use the CROSS64 Development Environment, see the Base Compiler Development Option release notes. 1.3 Online_Release_Notes After you install the online documentation for a product (the relnotes subsystem), you can view the release notes on your screen. If you have a graphics system, select ``Release Notes'' from the Tools submenu of the Toolchest. This displays the grelnotes(1) graphical browser for the on-line release notes. Refer to the grelnotes(1) reference page for information on options to this command. If you have a non-graphics system, you can use the relnotes command. Refer to the relnotes(1) reference page for accessing the on-line release notes. 1.4 Reference_Manual_Pages_for_CROSS64_Development_Option Reference manual pages for the CROSS64 Development Option are installed under /usr/cross64. In order to access these, you need to add /usr/cross64/usr/share/catman to your MANPATH environment variable. Place it ahead of your normal MANPATH to access the CROSS64 man pages first. - 5 - 1.5 Product_Support Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product support maintenance program for its products. If you are in the U.S. or Canada and would like support for your Silicon Graphics-supported products, contact the Technical Assistance Center at 1-800-800-4SGI. If you are outside the U.S. and Canada, contact the Silicon Graphics subsidiary or authorized distributor in your country.