hide random home http://www.sgi.com/tech/openGL/mjk.xlib/section3_4.html (Silicon Surf Promotional CD, 01/1995)

Next: A glxdino.c Up: OpenGL and X Previous: 3.6 Display Lists

4 Conclusion

The glxdino example demonstrates the basic tasks that must be done to use OpenGL with X. The program demonstrates sophisticated OpenGL features such as double buffering, lighting, shading, back-face culling, display list modeling, and polygon tessellation. And the proper X conventions are followed to ensure glxdino works well with other X programs.

The glxdino example program and the hints for advanced OpenGL programming should provide a good foundation for understanding and programming OpenGL with Xlib. The next article will explain how to integrate OpenGL with the Motif toolkit.

Wed Oct 19 18:11:46 PDT 1994