hide random home http://www.sgi.com/tech/openGL/mjk.motif/motif.foot.html (Silicon Surf Promotional CD, 01/1995)

Mark graduated with B.A. in Computer Science from Rice University and is a Member of the Technical Staff at Silicon Graphics. He can be reached by electronic mail addressed to mjk@sgi.com

Even though a 24-bit pixel requires only three bytes of storage, efficient manipulation of the pixels demands each pixel is stored in an even 4 bytes.

The official standard location for the OpenGL widget headers is <X11/GLw/GLwDrawA.h> and <X11/GLw/GLwMDrawA.h>. In IRIX 5.2, these headers are mistakenly located at <GL/GLwDrawA.h> and <GL/GLwMDrawA.h>.

If the widget has no parent, the depth and colormap are determined by the default depth and colormap of the screen.

The exact behavior is undefined by the OpenGL specification.

Wed Oct 19 18:08:51 PDT 1994