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Ordering IRIS Impressario

What To Order

The current release of Impressario is 1.2 and requires IRIX release 5.2 or greater. If you are running IRIX release 4.0.5 through 5.1 order Impressario 1.1.

Impressario 1.2 Product Codes (for IRIX 5.2 and greater)

Bundled with IRIX - Impressario 1.2 Client (now called print)
SC4_IMPS-1.2      - Impressario 1.2 Server
SC4-IMPD-1.2      - Impressario 1.2 Developer's Kit

Impressario 1.1 Product Codes (for IRIX 4.0.5 - IRIX 5.1)

SC4-IMPC-1.1      - Impressario 1.1 Client
SC4-IMPS-1.1      - Impressario 1.1 Server
SC4-IMPD-1.1      - Impressario 1.1 Developer's Kit

Where To Order

To order IRIS Impressario contact your Silicon Graphics sales representative or contact SGI:

Discontinued Printing Products

Laser Printer Support (SC4-LPS-x, a.k.a. TranScript) is no longer sold on IRIX 5.X and has been replaced by the Impressario Server product.
$Revision: 1.2 $
$Date: 1994/11/09 23:28:44 $