The EasyScan Image Scanning System(tm) consists of a desktop scanner and the EasyScan scanning software. The desktop scanner can scan text and photographs in 1-bit monochrome, 8-bit grayscale, and 24-bit true color. The scan resolution can be up to 2400 dpi. Supported scanners include Microtek, HP, and Sharp color scanners, and high-speed Fujitsu scanners (up to 39 pages per minute).
The EasyScan software provides intelligent scanning functions to preview, adjust contrast and brightness, sharpen, smooth, invert, rotate, flip, crop, and resize. In addition, the EasyScan Image Scanning System has direct interface to Pictronics' DigitalPhoto image editing software, and EasyRead OCR software.
Darwin Kuan
Vice President, Marketing Pictronics Corporation 1475 Saratoga Avenue Suite 160 San Jose, CA 95129 USA 408-867-3180 fax:408-446-5552