A Flock of Birds(tm) is a modular tracker with six degrees of freedom for simultaneously tracking the position and orientation of 1 - 30 receivers (targets) over a specified range of plus or minus three feet, centered on the transmitter. Motions are tracked to accuracies of .5 degrees and .1inch at rates up to 140Hz. Due to simultaneous tracking, fast update rates and minimal lag occur even when multiple targets are tracked. Uses DC fields to reduce the distortion effects of nearby conducive metals and to overcome line-of-sight blocking problems. Designed for head, hand and body tracking in VR games, simultations, animations, and visualizations.
Jack Scully
Vice President Ascension Technology Corporation 74 Ethan Allen Dr. Ste. 103 P.O. Box 527 S. Burlington, VT 05402 USA 802-860-6440 fax:802-860-6439 ascension@world.std.com