(Silicon Surf Promotional CD, 01/1995)
Onyx Product Guide
Multi Channel Option
Multl-Channel Option (MCO)
The Multi-Channel Option provides multiple output channels for
applications such as visual simulation, entertainment and virtual
reality. Tightly coupled to the graphics subsystem, the Multi-Channel Option converts digital information stored in the graphics
frame buffer into a variety of multiple analog video signals--or
channels--which can then be displayed on additional monitors or
projection devices.
With up to six independent channels per RealityEngine2 graphics
pipeline, the MultiChannel Option is a cost-effective method of
delivering several output channels - all from a single system.
Multi-Channel Option (MCO) Board
- MCO Board - allows users to drive multiple channels from a single
system and drag/move images from one display
- Architected for Low Transport Delay - less than 0.5 milliseconds
- Up to Six Channels of output per MCO Board
- Three MCO boards in an Onyx with three RealityEngine2 Pipelines
- can drive up to 18 channels of output offering a low cost per
channel solution for visual simulation, VR, and location-based
entertainment application.
Supports a Wide Range of Formats and Timings
Video Formats Raster Managers
Channels Resolution Timing 1 2 4
2 640 x 480 60 Hz non-interlaced M L L
4 640 x 480 60 Hz non-interlaced S M L
6 640 x 480 60 Hz non-interlaced n/a S M
2 640 x 480 Field sequential RGB M S M
2 640 x 486 30 Hz interlaced S L L
4 640 x 486 30 Hz interlaced n/a M L
6 640 x 486 30 Hz interlaced S S M
6 745 x 224 60 Hz non-interlaced n/a M L
4 960 x 620 60 Hz non-interlaced S S M
2 960 x 680 60 Hz non-interlaced n/a M L
3 960 x 680 60 Hz non-interlaced n/a S M
2 1024 x 768 60 Hz non-interlaced n/a S M
3 1024 x 768 60 Hz non-interlaced n/a S S
2 1200 x 900 72 Hz non-interlaced n/a S M
2 1280 x 1024 60 Hz non-interlaced n/a S M
2 1280 x 1024 60 Hz non-interlaced n/a S M
M = 4 multi-sample anti-aliasing
L = 8/16 multi-sample anti-aliasing
S = no anti-aliasing
n/a = not available