(Silicon Surf Promotional CD, 01/1995)
ExpressWare just announced two new products from XINET, K-AShare and
K-Spool, providing additional flexibility in your Macintosh/UNIX
K-AShare is an AFP-compatible file server for SGI hosts. It allows
an SGI workstation to act as an AppleShare server for Macintosh users.
K-Spool software allows users of Apple Macintosh computers and SGI
systems to share PostScript printers. It is a UNIX application which
functions as a print server and PostScript filter for SGI and
Macintosh users, allowing them flexibility in the printers they use.
K-AShare Features:
- K-AShare provides multiplatform compatibility. Macintoshes and
SGI systems can share data and resources.
- Macintosh computers use a SGI host as an AppleShare file
server, providing increased performance and eliminating the need for
a dedicated Apple server.
- Mac users stay in their native environment. Files stored on the
SGI server appear as familiar icons to Macintosh users.
Transparent File Determination converts UNIX files to Macintosh
application files -- automatically and transparently.
- Files created by Macintosh applications like FrameMaker or Adobe
Illustrator can be accessed on SGI systems running the same or other
- K-AShare runs entirely on the SGI host. Macintosh clients need
no additional software.
- K-AShare volumes can be backed up with standard UNIX tools.
- Through K-AShare, Mac users can access mounted NFS file
systems anywhere on the network.
- Includes AppleTalk routing with support for multiple Ethernet
- Compatible with AppleTalk Phase 1 and Phase 2 networks.
- Provides full support for System 7.
- Supports all AFP (AppleTalk Filing Protocol) 2.1 features.
- Large sites can have an unlimited number of open client connections.
- UNIX system administrators can post messages on Macintosh client
screens at any time.
- Security: maps AppleShare group permission models to UNIX.
K-Spool Features:
- Macintosh and SGI users can share PostScript printers
anywhere on the network -- on LocalTalk, Ethernet or serially
connected to the SGI host.
- No client software is required. After installation on the
SGI host, K-Spool is ready to run.
- Supports unlimited printers and queues from a single host.
- Users don't wait for printing; once a job is sent to the spooler,
the Mac is free for continued use.
- Macintosh users select any printer through the familiar "Chooser;"
SGI users do the same with the standard SGI printing system.
- Macintosh users can monitor the status of printers and cancel
their own print requests just like SGI users.
- Full support for System 7 and PostScript Level 2 drivers.
- Compatible with AppleTalk Phase 1 and 2 networks.
- Provides full AppleTalk routing for systems with multiple
Ethernet interfaces.
- Page accounting -- counts only pages actually printed.
- Supports Aldus PageMaker printer drivers.
For more information or to purchase XINET products, call your local
SGI Sales Representative or SGI Direct at 1-800-800-7441.