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IRIS On-Line

IRIS On-Line

IRIS On-Line is a monthly email based news magazine directed at users of, and people interested in, Silicon Graphics systems. It's goal is to provide relevant, timely marketing and technical information from Silicon Graphics, 3rd Parties, and the user community. There is no fee associated with subscribing to this service. The email list will not be made available for general use.

The types of articles we solicit and publish in this service include:

To subscribe to IRIS On-Line

Either use our interactive form or send email to list-manager@sgi.com. The message should consist of the command subscribe iris-on-line. Your return email address will be added to the subscription list. If you wish to receive IRIS On-Line at an address other than that from which you are sending your request, send email to iris-on-line-editor@sgi.com. Include your email address in the message. If there are multiple recipients at your site, we would appreciate very much your setting up an alias with local distribution to reduce overall net traffic.

Kip Parent (kip@csd.sgi.com)