(Silicon Surf Promotional CD, 01/1995)
Object-Oriented C++ Workshop (Self-paced Learning)
This self-paced video workshop is a comprehensive
training package that introduces and examines the C++
programming language and focuses on using object oriented
programming to take full advantage of the features of C++.
Topics Covered
- Basic Concepts
- Data Abstractions
- Classes and Member Functions
- Overloading and Friend Functions
- References and Constants
- Pointers
- Constructors and Destructors
- Inheritance
- Dynamic Binding
- Multiple Inheritance
A working knowledge of the C programming language is recommended
Product Number and Description
- SP-C++V Workshop includes 1 set of
video tapes (VHS format) and 5 student workbooks
- SP-C++P Workshop includes 1 set of
video tapes (PAL format) and 5 student workbooks
- P-C++WKBK 5 additional student workbooks
Please call the Education Hotline for more
information at 1-800-800-4SGI