--------------------------------------------------------------------------- M i n e r v a S o f t w a r e T e c h n i c a l R e l e a s e Number: 012/ColSep Minerva House Date: 30/04/90 Baring Crescent Author: MK Exeter, Devon Pages: 01 EX1 1TL Obtaining four-colour separations from Atelier screens --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is possible to obtain colour separation printouts from Atelier by using version 1.04 or later of the Dumper module. Check this by loading Atelier and then issuing the command: *Help Modules If yours is prior to v1.04, send a blank floppy disk and an SAE to Minerva for an update - copy the update onto your copy of Atelier by holding down SHIFT while double-clicking on the !AtelModul directory. You should see a module called Dumper; delete this and replace it with the new one, then reset your computer. Once you are using v1.04 or later of Dumper, enter Atelier and load your screen. Now use the *Command option in the Filing Menu to enter the command: *Set Dumper$Mask Cyan and then print the screen as normal, using any of the MONO screen dumps available on the print menu. You will obtain a Cyan separation rather than a normal print. You may repeat this for other separations as the module will also recognise 'Magenta', 'Yellow', and 'Black' as separation names (you need only use the first letter). Thus, use *Command again to enter: *Set Dumper$Mask M and the next printout will be a Magenta separation. This process may be repeated for each of the four separations to provide a complete set suitable for supplying to a printshop. --01---012/ColSep----------------------------------------------------------