--------------------------------------------------------------------------- M i n e r v a S o f t w a r e T e c h n i c a l R e l e a s e Number: 006/MFImpt Minerva House Date: 17/10/89 Baring Crescent Author: SC Exeter, Devon Pages: 01 EX1 1TL Importing MasterFile Files into System Delta on the BBC Micro --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A utility for importing MasterFile files into the BBC version of System Delta is provided by sending Minerva a blank 5.25" disc. The procedure for importing files is given below. Please follow these instructions carefully: 1. Format a new disc on both sides 0 and 2. 2. Make a backup of the MasterFile Import Utility disc onto side 0 of the newly formatted disc, leaving side 2 blank. Note that if you only have one disc drive, you must copy the MasterFile file to be converted onto side 0 of the backup disc. 3. Insert the backup disc into drive 0 and press SHIFT-BREAK. After a short pause you will be prompted with the message 'Import file:'. Enter the name of your MasterFile file and press return. 4. Insert the disc containing the MasterFile file to be converted in your chosen drive. 5. Enter the drive number (eg. 1) from which the MasterFile file is to be read. 6. The file will now be converted. This will take several minutes. When the message 'Import complete' appears you will find that a file called NEWFILE has been created onto drive 2. NEWFILE is now ready to be loaded into System Delta. 7. Use the Card Copier option on the Card Index disc to change the format of the new file if desired. --01---006/MFImpt----------------------------------------------------------