--------------------------------------------------------------------------- M i n e r v a S o f t w a r e T e c h n i c a l R e l e a s e Number: 003/MS-Rep Minerva House Date: 29/09/89 Baring Crescent Author: MK Exeter, Devon Pages 02 EX1 1TL Using Mailshot/Reporter With System DeltaPlus v2.00 or Converted v1.xx --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since System DeltaPlus v2.00 (or v1.xx converted using the RISC OS support disk) has been re-arranged to suit RISC OS, the files on the Mailshot/ Reporter disks need to be copied to the various directories on the disk as described below if you wish to use both products on the same program disk (eg. a hard disk). Recent versions of MailShot/Reporter have a utility called !RISCOS on the disc which performs the necessary changes automatically; just make a backup of the disc and double-click on this utility. 1. The data files should be copied to your working directory, usually the root (or $) directory on floppy disks. These are as follows: Exams Pupils Teachers Setup_1 Setup_2 Setup_3 Label PD_Blank PD_FX80 2. The special modules need to be copied to the library directory (usually called $.LIBRARY) if they are not already present. These will be: TextUtils 3. The resource files should be in the application directory, !Delta. This will usually be a sub-directory of the root directory. WimpRepFrm WimpMail WimpMR WimpReport 4. The remaining files are not required as they are already part of System DeltaPlus v2.00. These include: RAMManager Delta+ Delta+E !Start !Boot !Configure !Copy Info WimpCIA WimpCIASpr !Delta Banner_Spr WimpCIAFrm If the files WimpMail or WimpReport are missing, this is because you do not have both the Mailshot AND Reporter modules. --01---003/MS-Rep---------------------------------------------------------- Recommended Method ------------------ The easiest way to achieve the above is to take the following steps: A. Make a BACKUP of your Mailshot/Reporter disk. B. Insert the BACKUP in drive :0 C. Delete from it all files referred to in (4) above. D. Create new directories by entering: *cdir :0.LIBRARY *cdir :0.!Delta E. Rename all files referred to in (3) above, entering (eg): *rename :0.WimpRepFrm :0.!Delta.WimpRepFrm *rename :0.WimpMR :0.!Delta.WimpMR ...etc. F. Rename the module, by entering: *rename :0.TextUtils :0.LIBRARY.TextUtils The disk may now be copied onto any System DeltaPlus v2.00 disk which already exists. *COPY may be used to do this, depending on the drives used. To copy from drive :0, do one of: *COPY :0.* :0.* FR~C~VQP (Single floppy) *COPY :0.* :4.* FR~C~VQ (Hard disk) *COPY :0.* :1.* FR~C~VQ (Dual floppy) This will convert a System DeltaPlus v2.00 into combined Card Index with Mailshot and or Reporter on the same disk. Special Notes: 1. !RISCOS will not delete the files mentioned in (4) above. This should be done if you are using DeltaPlus v2.00 2. If you are using DeltaPlus v1.xx you should NOT delete the following files: !Start WimpCIAFrm Info WimpCIA WimpCIASpr but instead, copy them into the !Delta directory, replacing what is already there. --02---003/MS-Rep----------------------------------------------------------