How do I get into HotWired?

When you login to HotWired, the first thing you see is a Welcome screen that asks if you're a member. If you are, click the Yes button, then enter your username and password. If you're not a member, click the No button. You will be asked to enter your real name, a username, a password, and your email address. Complete this information and click the Join HotWired! button.

How many memberships can I have?

You can only have one membership per email address.

What does membership include?

Membership gives you unlimited access to HotWired from anywhere on the Web, but you must always give your valid username and password. We won't sell your name or give out any information about you to anyone without your permission.

How should I choose a username?

Your username is your personal 'handle' in HotWired. Choose a name that fits your personality (on- or off-line). Your name must be all lowercase letters and without spaces.

What if the username I choose is already taken?

Blame your parents for giving you an ordinary name. You'll be notified if the name you select is already in use. For this reason, it's best to pick a name that is likely to be unique (e.g., 'johnyaya' rather than just 'john').

What if I want to change my username/email address?

Send email to '' to request a username or email address change. Include a convincing explanation of why you want this change (e.g., you got a new email address).

What if I forget my password?

Send email to '' to request a change. Your old membership will be deleted so that you can create a new one with the same username. However, you run the risk of losing your username to someone else if they subscribe before you do.

What is user verification?

User verification is our way of making sure that your email address works. Shortly after joining HotWired, you will receive an email message that says your account has been verified. This message will include a verification code, which you will need to use to get full access to HotWired. Enter your code into the verification form by clicking the 'verify your account' link at the bottom of the main page. Once you have verified your account, this message will go away. You will have five days to enter your code; after five days your account will be deleted.

If the "Authentication Required" dialog box appears, it means you have not yet been verified by HotWired. Return to the "Welcome to HotWired" page, click the "No" button, and fill in the form to subscribe.

Can I still use HotWired if I haven't verified my account?

Yes, but your access will be limited and your account will be deleted in five days. You won't be able to use some of the interactive features such as posting threads, playing in the HotMOOs or visiting Club Wired.