Where can I get more information about HTML, browsers and the World Wide Web?

Hypertext markup language (HTML) is the language documents are formatted in so that Web browsers can display them. A variety of HTML documentation is available on the Web. Try going to NCSA for a beginner's HTML guide, specifications, and a quickstart guide.

For more information about the World Wide Web, check out WWW Intro pages from NCSA.

Browsers are the tools used to access the World Wide Web. Browsers are available for practically all types of computers and operating systems. For comparisons of browsers and helper applications, visit the HotWired Tool Box. For a list of known browser bugs and HotWired compatible web browsers, check out the browser bug page.

What do I do if my images don't display?

Check the preferences setting in your browser to make sure that images are set to automatically load. If you get a generic icon for each image, auto-load is not set. You can click on these icons to manually load images.

If images still won't display after auto-load is set, there may be an error with the server or your connection. Try reloading the page, or quitting HotWired and relaunching your session. If this doesn't help, see your sysadmin.

What if I'm not using a graphical browser?

You will not be able to take full advantage of HotWired with a text-only browser. You will need to install a browser that supports graphics, or find another machine to work on if you're working from a text terminal.

How can I change text size, styles, and colors?

Go to the type styles dialog in your browser (sometimes found in the preferences setting) to change style tags. During a session of browsing the Web, your browser will change the color of any text or graphic links you have already visited. (This will not work on imagemaps.) You can choose the colors of both your visited and your unvisited links.