Demon Internet is the UK's largest Internet service provider, with over 36,000 customers. Follow the links to find out more about Demon Internet, how to get a dial-up or leased line account and what the benefits of these are, how to get Web space on the Demon Web server and look at what's available in the way of books, reference guides and modems.
Follow this link for information about the Internet Firewalls Tutorial.
You can still see Demon Internet's LIVE '95 pages.
How to contact Demon, Demon growth statistics, more information about Demon.
The latest Demon press releases, as well as older releases, Demon's message of the day, and general operational news.
Information about the various types of Demon accounts, how to set up a Demon account, what hardware and software you'll need, and a list of the Demon UK Points of Presence (including a search engine to help you find your local PoP).
Modems, serial chips and cards, IP routers, books and reference guides and tutorials.
Setting up a Demon Web account, information on using your Demon Web account, and links to existing Demon Web customers.
This site is still under construction, although the majority of pages are complete.
Finally, *coming soon* - visit The Inferno to find out about existing Demon clients, look at the Demon Site of the Week, follow links to other Web sites and enter the monthly competition.
These pages were designed by Foresight Interactive Services. If you have any comments about the Demon Internet site, please feel free to email