DS006 - Multimedia Email: Marcel
Electronic mail ('email') is one of the most popular applications used on
the Internet worldwide computer network. Electronic messages can be as
simple as a few words of text, or as complex as a compressed video movie or
the contents of a whole disc directory. Now at last an easy-to-use
multimedia email package is available on the RISC OS Desktop.
Multimedia email
ANT's email package Marcel complies with the MIME multimedia email standard,
and can transport any kind of data including text, programs, graphics, sound
and video between RISC OS and other MIME-compliant mailer software.
The MIME standard is supported by email software for other computers such as
the Apple Macintosh, UNIX workstations and IBM-compatible PCs running
Microsoft DOS or Windows, amongst others.
Marcel is suitable for use both within an organisation for internal
communication and for exchange of email with international users of the
Internet. So for instance a business or school can exploit Marcel for its
day-to-day operations: a significant improvement over pigeonholes and
in-trays since electronic data arrives nearly instantaneously and never
needs to be committed to paper unnecessarily.
The power you need
A simplified variant of Marcel, Marcel Lite, is available for educational
users at a reduced price. All the usual sophisticated multimedia email
features of Marcel are included, but the user interface is simplified and
control over the exact configuration for each user can be determined when
the software is installed.
Marcel is the first member of a range of Internet tools under development by
ANT Limited. Other tools under development or being considered include a
News Reader, WWW/Mosaic Browser, FTP filer, Gopher, Archie etc. These tools
will form a complete Internet Suite product.
Ease of use
Marcel makes using electronic mail easy: Sending an electronic mail message
is as simple as dragging the file onto Marcel's pillarbox icon and entering
the name of the recipient. When mail is received the Marcel pillarbox icon
becomes 'fat', with an optional sound cue to indicate that mail has arrived.
A double-click with the mouse is all that is required to view a message. Any
data attachments which are included with the message can be run directly or
saved out for storage or use by other applications.
An address book of frequently-used names allows the user to enter a short
name for any recipient and have Marcel expand it to a full international
email address, thereby reducing mistakes in complex addresses. Any number of
mail folders may be created by the user for long-term storage of mail
messages within the limits of storage space available. Marcel can search
mail folders to automate the retrieval of messages.
Marcel can be operated on a single computer (using a modem) or on a local
area network using a shared modem or a 'live' (eg leased line) Internet
service from commercial suppliers such as Demon, Pipex, IBMPCUG etc. Marcel
can run on a local network without any Internet service at all, just
providing local mail between users, or where access is limited by cost
(perhaps in a school) Marcel can be configured to allow only authorised
users to send mail outside the local network. The Marcel suite comprises a
pair of applications:
- Marcel Mailer, which runs on each user's Desktop and presents mail to the
user in a simple, consistent way.
- Marcel Server, which runs on at least one computer on the network and
forms the connection to the Internet either using a modem connected to the
same computer or via a leased line or other live connection.
Single-user installations do not require the Marcel Server, since they
connect by modem to a remote server for mail transfers.
Marcel features
Marcel has been designed to make advanced multimedia email accessible to all
RISC OS users. It's as easy to use as the familiar RISC OS filing system.
Marcel's features include:
- MIME-compliant electronic mail package
- Requires minimum 2MB computer with RISC OS 3.0 or later
- Available in Single User (Modem), Single User (Network) and Multi User (Network)
- Supports MIME multimedia email, embedded binary data files
- Uses IMAP mail server protocol, or mail on local disc
- Double-click on embedded items to run them (presumes target app. available)
- Drag and Drop user-interface for mail folder management
Control from RISC OS icon bar:
- SELECT-click to view mail InTray
- ADJUST-click to Send mail
- Pillarbox icon: fat icon for pending mail, thin icon for none
- Optional sounds on mail delivery
- Edit user preferences
- Connect to single or multiple mail servers
- Disconnect from mail server(s)
Mail filer for easy management:
- List-style view of mail
- User-defined sorting by: order of arrival, date,sender, subject
- User-defined display formats (script language)
- Short-cut button bar: Send, Save, Delete, Tidy, File (to folder), Search, Address book
- User-defined key short-cuts throughout
- Read message text or delete and skip to next message
- Reply to Sender, Reply to all
- Save, delete and undelete messages
- Forward message (commented)
- Bounce message (unchanged)
- Copy/move to mail folder
- Print message text
- Show binary attachments
- Grab circulation list/aliases
- Search for mail items by To, From, CCs, Subject, Date, Flags, Message body
Message display view:
- Buttons: Next, Previous, Reply to, Delete, Save, Editor
- Next/Previous buttons allow rapid reading
- Quick Reply button for Reply to Sender/Reply to all
- Quick Delete-and-read next
- Set font and colour for mail display
Send mail dialogue:
- Quick sending: only To and Subject must be completed (presumes dragged body text)
- Intelligent Drag and drop appends text to body, adds non-text as attachments
- File copy facility
- Address book allows quick name lookup
- Short name alias translation for common recipients
- Data attachment formats supported include MIME, Acorn !EMail, UUencode, BtoA
- Compress attachments
- Fragment messages
- Offline mail file
Address book:
- Support aliases for Sites, Users and Lists of users
- Click selection of recipients from menu
- Options to Internet Finger or OSI X.500 lookup new recipients
- Recipients may be captured from received mail
Marcel is expected to become available during the fourth Quarter of 1995.
Marcel is under development and ANT Limited reserves the right to alter its
specification and functionality without notice before it becomes available
for sale. Marcel and Marcel Lite are available in Single User and Multiple
User (Network) software licenses - ask for pricing details.
E&OE. © Copyright ANT Limited, 1995. All rights reserved.
Last updated 27/09/95 NAS.