The Store

Software Available To Users At No Charge


There is a variety of software that is made available by Acorn to all users at no charge.

Our FTP site has a large array of software, documents and upgrades available for downloading.

For convenience, we will also be placing links to the items on the FTP site on this page. At the moment, we have only listed a few selected items, but eventually, it is our intention to have links to nearly all the available items.


Note: files marked with an '[arc]' are compressed archives which can be decompressed using either SparkFS or ArcFS 2. If you do not have either of these programs, you may wish to download the following file:


This is a BASIC program which, when executed, builds a copy of !Sparkplug, which can also be used to decompress the archives.

Alternatively, for DOS and UNIX users, nspark is the C source to an application which can also decompress our archives.

[arc] Risc PC486 Card Software Update [Version 1.87g, 20 Jul 95]

(290818 bytes)
An update to the software supplied with the PC 486 card.

This code will only run on the Acorn Risc PC 486 co-processor card, or an Aleph One co-processor card.

Contents include:

[arc] Acorn C/C++ (Rel 5) Update 1

(695857 bytes)
This is the first update to the Acorn C/C++ product (SKB78). It is supplied under the same licence conditions as Acorn C/C++, and can only be used in conjunction with that product. Any other use is illegal.

This release contains:

  • a new version of !ResEd
  • a new application !ResCreate for creating "blank" Object templates for use by people writing their own Object Modules.
  • new versions of eventlib and c++lib
  • a standalone release of the "flex" library functions as previously included in Acorn's RISC_OSLib library.
  • new versions of the C compiler, and the C++ command.
  • new versions of many of the Toolbox modules.

  • [arc] ChangeFSI [Version 1.13S, 20 Jul 95]

    (300753 bytes)
    The latest official release of ChangeFSI.

    ChangeFSI is a high quality image mastering program which understands many image formats. The image may be scaled, rotated by 90 degrees and sharpened. Images can be made for any RISC OS screen mode in monochrome, greyscale or colour. Various image processing algorithms can be applied to the image.

    [arc] Drawfile rendering module and documentation [Version 1.30, 14th Apr 94]

    (32595 bytes)
    DrawFile is a module that renders draw files. It provides three SWI's, two service calls and a *command. This archive contains the module, documentation on the calls and C and assembler veneers.

    [arc] !MakeModes [Version 0.26, 14th Dec 94]

    (169614 bytes)
    MakeModes is a tool used to generate and edit Risc PC monitor definition files (MDFs).

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    © 1995 Acorn Computer Group plc.
    Design: © 1995 Cave Rock Software Ltd.