hide random home http://www.hotwired.com/Ren2.0/Twain/Rim/nat_spirits.html (The Risc Disc Volume 2, 10/1995)

N A T  S P I R I T S
Information has its own "personality," based on whether we gather it in newspapers, on computer screens, or during meditation. Throughout Rim, primitive nature spirits - such as the Burmese "nats" - provide a bridge to higher-consciousness information gathering, a tap into the "electronic hive." As John Perry Barlow so aptly put it, "Mind is at once continuous and inclusive of all individual consciousness - wired or not" (Harper's, August 1994).

Entities such as Burmese "nats" or Japanese "kami" (unseen nature gods) can be - and frequently are - employed as "natural avatars" by various traditional as well as technologically advanced people (such as the Japanese). Our lives provide the "software" on which these kami run; they provide "technical support" to us on a higher plane of consciousness. Eventually, these energies will be harnessed via some neuro-electronic process similar to the sensual enhancements offered by virutal reality.
This bull is composed of the letters of the Burmese alphabet. If painted on a handkerchief and placed on the house alter, it will protect the inhabitants from harm.

There are many signs today of burgeoning techno-animism, techno-Gnosticism, and techno-paganism movements. (Witness the growing popularity, especially among cyber-sensitive "crossovers," of the pagan Burning Man ritual in the Utah desert.)

The best source on Burmese folk religion and beliefs is the classic study on the subject, Burmese Supernaturalism by Melford E. Spiro (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1967).

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