hide random home http://www.hotwired.com/Ren2.0/Twain/Rim/karmic_cosmetics.html (The Risc Disc Volume 2, 10/1995)

K A R M I C  C O S M E T I C S
There was a time in the late '80s when Japanese corporations were secretly consulting West Coast channelers. This material was inspired by an actual marketing study "channeled" for Shiseido, a leading Japanese cosmetics company, by the Center for Applied Intuition (CAI), a West Coast intuitive think-tank founded by Dr. William H. Kautz. Kautz served for thirty years as staff scientist at SRI, the famous Palo-Alto brain-trust that was a favorite of the Japanese.

Kautz was the coauthor, with Melanie Brandon, of Intuiting the Future (Harper & Row Publishers, San Francisco, 1989). He also prepared a "future scenario" for a Japanese think-tank, entitled The Future of Japan (Tokyo, Tama Publishing Co., 1984). This uncanny forecast is available only in Japanese, although an English-language excerpt can be found in my own book, The Pacific Rim Almanac (New York, HarperCollins Publishers, 1991).

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