hide random home http://www.hotwired.com/Info/Help/general/troubleshooting.html (The Risc Disc Volume 2, 10/1995)

What do I do if my images don't display?

Check the preferences setting in your browser to make sure that images are set to automatically load. If you get a generic icon for each image, auto-load is not set. You can click on these icons to manually load images.

If images still won't display after auto-load is set, there may be an error with the server or your connection. Try reloading the page, or quitting HotWired and relaunching your session. If this doesn't help, see your sysadmin.

What if I'm not using a graphical browser?

You will not be able to take full advantage of HotWired with a text-only browser. You will need to install a browser that supports graphics, or find another machine to work on if you're working from a text terminal.

How can I change text size, styles, and colors?

Go to the type styles dialog in your browser (sometimes found in the preferences setting) to change style tags. During a session of browsing the Web, your browser will change the color of any text or graphic links you have already visited. (This will not work on imagemaps.) You can choose the colors of both your visited and your unvisited links.

Why won't movies/sounds play on my computer?

You must have QuickTime and a movie player application (such as Simple Player or Movie Player on the Macintosh) or, for sounds, a sound player application installed on your machine. Some browsers ship players with their software; others are available from public ftp sites (see Subscriber Services for links to these sites). Once you've installed a player, go into the preferences in your browser and tell it which application to use to view QuickTime movies and/or play sound files.

Unfortunately, QuickTime is not currently supported under SunOS. If you are using a Sun and want to view movies, you'll have to switch to a computer that supports QuickTime.

If the player application won't launch, you can still download movies and sound files and manually play them outside of the browser. If the browser won't launch because there isn't enough memory, try quitting other applications and then downloading the files again. If the player still won't work, it may be corrupted, and you'll want to reinstall it or switch to a different application.

Some movies and sound files are quite large and may take a long time to download, depending on the speed of your connection. Some browsers allow you to interrupt and cancel a download (see the help section of your browsers for details).

Why can't I reach USENET?

If you have difficulty linking to a newsgroup, it may be because of the way your system is configured. Ask your SysAdmin for help. If your site has access to USENET and you still can't read news, try a different group or try a different time when net traffic is lighter.