(The Risc Disc Volume 2, 10/1995)
Amnesty International Statute
As amended by the 20th International Council, meeting in Yokohama, Japan, 31 August - 7 September 1991
1. Object and Mandate
The object of AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL is to contribute to the observance
throughout the world of human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights.
In pursuance of this object, and recognizing the obligation on each person to
extend to others rights and freedoms equal to his or her own, AMNESTY
INTERNATIONAL adopts as its mandate:
To promote awareness of and adherence to the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights and other internationally recognized human rights instruments, the
values enshrined in them, and the indivisibility and interdependence of all
human rights and freedoms;
To oppose grave violations of the rights of every person freely to hold and
to express his or her convictions and to be free from discrimination by
reason of ethnic origin, sex, color or language, and of the right of every
person to physical and mental integrity, and, in particular, to oppose by all
appropriate means irrespective of political considerations:
- a) the imprisonment, detention or other physical restrictions imposed on any
person by reason of his or her political, religious or other conscientiously
held beliefs or by reason of his or her ethnic origin, sex, color or
language, provided that he or she has not used or advocated violence
(hereinafter referred to as 'prisoners of conscience'; AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL
shall work towards the release of and shall provide assistance to prisoners
of conscience);
- b) the detention of any political prisoner without fair trial within a
reasonable time or any trial procedures relating to such prisoners that do
not conform to internationally recognized norms;
- c) the death penalty, and the torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment of prisoners or other detained or restricted persons,
whether or not the persons affected have used or advocated violence;
- d) the extrajudicial execution of persons whether or not imprisoned,
detained or restricted, and "disappearances", whether or not the persons
affected have used or advocated violence.
2. Methods
In order to achieve the aforesaid object and mandate, Amnesty
International shall:
- a) at all times make clear its impartiality as regards countries
adhering to the different world political ideologies and groupings;
- b) promote as appears appropriate the adoption of constitutions,
conventions, treaties and other measures which guarantee the rights
contained in the provisions referred to in Article 1 hereof;
- c) support and publicize the activities of and cooperate with
international organizations and agencies which work for the
implementation of the aforesaid provisions;
- d) take all necessary steps to establish an effective organization of
sections, affiliated groups and individual members;
- e) secure the adoption by groups of members or supporters of individual
prisoners of conscience or entrust to such groups other tasks in support
of the object and mandate set out in Article 1;
- f) provide financial and other relief to prisoners of conscience and
their dependents and to persons who have lately been prisoners of
conscience or who might reasonably be expected to be prisoners of
conscience or to become prisoners of conscience if convicted or if they
were to return to their own countries, to the dependents of such persons
and to victims of torture in need of medical care as a direct result
- g) provide legal aid, where necessary and possible, to prisoners of
conscience and to persons who might reasonably be expected to be
prisoners of conscience or to become prisoners of conscience if
convicted or if they were to return to their own countries, and, where
desirable, send observers to attend the trials or such persons;
- h) publicize the cases of prisoners of conscience or persons who have
otherwise been subjected to disabilities in violation of the aforesaid
- i) investigate and publicize the disappearance of persons where there is
reason to believe that they may be victims of violations of the rights
set out in Article 1 hereof;
- j) oppose the sending of persons from one country to another where they
can reasonable be expected to become prisoners of conscience or to face
torture or the death penalty;
- k) send investigators, where appropriate, to investigate allegations
that the rights of individuals under the aforesaid provisions have been
violated or threatened;
- l) make representations to international organizations and to
governments whenever it appears that an individual is a prisoner of
conscience or has otherwise been subjected to disabilities in violation
of the aforesaid provisions;
- m) promote and support the granting of general amnesties of which the
beneficiaries will include prisoners of conscience;
- n) adopt any other appropriate methods for the securing of its object
and mandate.
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