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Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of people acting on the conviction that governments must not deny individuals their basic human rights. The organization was awarded the 1977 Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to promote global observance of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Amnesty International works specifically for:
Amnesty International's effectiveness depends on its impartial application of a single standard of human rights to every country in the world. The organization is independent of all governments, political factions, ideologies, economic interests, and religious creeds. It accepts no financial contribution from any government and is funded entirely by donations from its supporters. To safeguard impartiality, groups do not work for prisoners of conscience held within their own countries.
Amnesty International seeks the most effective means of helping individuals whose rights have been violated. Techniques include long-term adoption of prisoners of conscience; publicizing patterns of human rights abuses; meetings with government representatives; and, in cases where torture or death are feared, network of volunteers who send urgent telegrams indicating international concern.
Amnesty International members send letters, cards, and telegrams on behalf of individual prisoners to government officials. Constant action generates effective pressure. One well-written letter to a minister of justice is not pressure; ten letters are. Hundreds of letters were sent on behalf of an adopted prisoner detained for many years in Soviet psychiatric hospitals. Later he said that his release had been a direct result of the letters from Amnesty. He believes they were also the key to better treatment during imprisonment.
Amnesty International members also organize public meetings, collect signatures for petitions, and arrange publicity events, such as vigils at appropriate government embassies. They work on special projects, such as the Campaign to Abolish Torture. At its launching Amnesty members met with more than half of the United States' congressional representatives to voice their concern and outline Amnesty International's program to eradicate torture. Members also raise money to send medicine, food and clothing to prisoners and their families.
Amnesty International sends missions to countries to appeal in person for the protection of human rights. A medical delegation to Bolivia successfully convinced the government to allow a prisoner to be flown abroad for a life- saving operation. Another group went to Gambia in response to reports that prisoners were held in leg irons and denied access to friends and relatives. Within months Gambia's President had taken steps to improve conditions.
When Amnesty International hears of political arrests or people facing torture or execution, it concentrates first on getting the facts. At the organization's headquarters in London, the Research Department (with a staff of more than 200 recruited from over 30 countries) collects and analyses information from a wide variety of sources. These include hundreds of newspapers and journals, government bulletins, transcripts of radio broadcasts, reports from lawyers and humanitarian organizations, along with letters from and interviews with prisoners and their families. Amnesty International representatives frequently go on missions to collect on-the-spot information. Amnesty legal observers often attend trials where accepted international standards are at issue.
A released prisoner from Pakistan wrote, "A woman in San Antonio had written some kind and comforting words that proved to be a bombshell for the prison authorities and significantly changed the prisoners' conditions for the better... Suddenly I felt as if the sweat drops all over my body were drops from a cool, comforting shower."
Members also pay dues annually to Amnesty International USA, which, along with their work for the organization, entitles them to vote in elections for the Board of Directors.
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