Councillor George Kerevan
Chair of the Economic Development and Estates Committee
Edinburgh District Council
"Among the facts and figures which could be presented about Edinburgh in the past year is that the first edition of this booklet was snapped up very quickly. People want to know more about a city whose importance in European terms is increasingly recognised.
"Not only was Edinburgh the location for the European Council Summit in December 1992, but in June 1993 a report* predicted that it had the best growth prospects of all major UK cities and was placed 14th among 32 in Western Europe. Thus, although the current recession is serious and there is painful adjustment in some sectors, notably with reduced military spending, Edinburgh's position is relatively strong.
"With development proceeding apace at Edinburgh Park, the Festival Theatre opening in 1994 and the International Conference Centre in 1995, the infrastructure is being provided for expanding business and for attracting further investment.
"The Council is confident that, once the attention of the world is caught by Edinburgh, the facts and figures speak for themselves. Here are some of them..."