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Announcement: Demon Internet's Phase 1 PoP Expansion

5th July 1995.

We are now in a position to announce further details of our phase 1 expansion.

New vPoPs are being installed at the following 43 locations. We have been given a date of August 20th by Energis for these; hopefully this will be able to be brought forward. The vPoP telephone numbers are not being announced at this time: they will be announced separately on the day that they go "live".

A new tPoP is also being installed in Maldon (Essex). We do not yet have an opening date for this tPoP.

The Bradford/Hull tPoP ("tyr") will be closing on July 31st. With a few exceptions (see below), all customers covered by this tPoP will be covered by one of the new vPoPs. Demon Internet will not offer any compensation for the loss of local call access during the gap.

Customers in the Hartlepool (01429) and Northwich (01606) areas lost local call access when the Sunderland and Warrington tPoPs closed, and received a year's free membership in compensation. All these customers will have local coverage from a new vPoP, and Demon Internet reserve the right to start charging for these accounts as soon as the new vPoPs are active.

Customers in the Market Weighton (014308) and Hornsea (019645) areas will lose local access when Bradford/Hull closes, and will not be covered by one of the new vPoPs. These customers are entitled to apply for a year's free membership in compensation. Customers in Hull itself are not entitled.

The new vPoPs are in the following areas:

        Alford (Lincs.)    Hitchin
        Appleby            Killingholme
        Bellingham         Lancaster
        Berwick            Martin (Lincs.)
        Boroughbridge      Matlock
        Bourton            Merstham
        Brecon             Monmouth
        Bridgnorth         Nettlebed
        Bridgwater         Newark
        Bromyard           Oakham
        Burntwood          Pontypridd
        Carlisle           Rangeworthy
        Congleton          Ripon
        Doncaster          Rothbury
        Durham             Scunthorpe
        Evesham            Settle
        Frodsham           Shepton Mallet
        Glastonbury        Weedon
        Great Shefford     Wellingborough
        Halifax            Wetherby
        Hawkshead          Workington
Clive D.W. Feather      | Work: clive@demon.net        | Gateway House
Senior Manager          | Home: clive@stdc.demon.co.uk | 322 Regents Park Road
Networks / Programming  | Tel: +44 181 371 1000        | Finchley
Demon Internet Ltd.     | Fax: +44 181 371 1281        | London  N3  2QQ

Demon Internet
Support: <internet@demon.net>
Sales: <sales@demon.net>

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