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Cambridge University Press - Information

Cambridge University Press - Information

The Edinburgh Building, home of Cambridge University Press UK publishing division

About Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press is a part of the University of Cambridge, with branches in the U.S.A. and Australia, as well as in Cambridge itself. Since the Press was founded in 1534, it has published titles by many distinguished authors in many different fields. A brief illustrated history of the Press, details some of the work of the Press over the past four hundred years, and gives a background to the current makeup of the organisation.

Current projects

At any one time, Cambridge University Press has hundreds of titles under development, but details of some of the projects currently in hand are included here to give an idea of some of the fields in which the Press is involved.

The World Shakespeare Bibliography on CD-ROM 1900-Present

The World Shakespeare Bibliography on CD-ROM 1900-Present will, when complete, provide annotated entries for all important books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, reviews of productions, audiovisual materials, electronic media, and other scholarly and popular materials related to Shakespeare and published or produced since 1900.

The Canterbury Tales Project

The Canterbury Tales Project will make available in an electronic form, over a ten-year period, full transcriptions of the text of every manuscript and pre-1500 printed edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, together with digitized images of every page of every manuscript and early edition, collations of all these texts, and analyses of the textual tradition based on the transcriptions. Cambridge University Press is to publish these materials, initially on CD-ROM, as part of a new Cambridge Electronic Editions series.

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language

Superbly illustrated in colour throughout, this is the most comprehensive general reference book on the history, structure and worldwide use of English ever written. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language is to be published in March 1995.

Shoemaker-Levy 9

Cambridge University Press is currently collecting material for a book about the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet impact with Jupiter.
