(The Risc Disc Volume 2, 10/1995)
a meeting place for the one world community
global justice, conflict, aid, trade, education, health, human rights, population
- a worldwide conversation on sustainable human development
Welcome to OneWorld Online
This week's highlights from the editor
Global warming is being hotly debated in Berlin this week: what you can do to stop dangerous climate changes.
Regular Features
Our special sections: on education, research, emergency news, TV & radio schedules, our diary of events - and much more.
Partners' Own Web Sites]
OneWorld Online is a partnership of development and broadcasting organisations. We are in the process of developing an embryonic web site for each of our partners - which they can build as they wish.
OneWorld Online will help you navigate around all these individual web sites by:
providing an index of the partners' materials by keyword.
cross-linking items of particular interest
- highlighting items in our Regular Features pages
Direct access to the OneWorld Online material by keywords.
OneWorld Online is a member of the BBC's Networking Club. The
BBC has always been committed to the importance of broadcasting global issues in its radio and television programmes. It regularly works in collaboration with development organisations - like the [One World Group of Broadcasters and Comic Relief.
OneWorld Online is produced by the
One World Broadcasting Trust
a British charity linking the worlds of development and broadcasting.
Earth satellite composite
of Global Visions and University College London