(The Risc Disc Volume 2, 10/1995)
Global OILS Management System
The Global OILS Management System from Systems Integrated Research is a full
compliant RISC OS software package that provides the following functions:
- Provision of planning, guidance and control over the access which pupils
and teachers have to the computer-based learning material and software tools
on the system
- Monitoring and recording pupil activity and progress, providing standard
and custom reports on pupil/group performance and achievement
- Support for the teacher in managing the system learning resources,
including the ability to modify existing material and to create new units.
Global OILS Management System key benefits:
- Menu access, with authority levels, to learning units and tools
- Provides pupil details of recent activity and progress to date
- Create and edit pupil workplans
- Allocate to individuals or groups with target start/finish dates
- View or print the progress and results of any pupil or group
- Monitor and control pupil access to all software
- Full RISC OS compliance
- Log on with user name and password
- Teacher can manage system learning resources and tools
- Standard and custom management reports
For details of availability of:
- SIR OILS Management System
- Global English
- Global French
- Global German
- Global Spanish
- Global Italian
- INSET Training on ILS
Please contact:
Systems Integrated Research
East Mill
Fourth Floor
DE56 1XQ
Tel: 01773 820011
Fax: 01773 820206
More information is available.
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