hide random home http://www.acorn.co.uk/acorn/newspaper/dispatches (The Risc Disc Volume 2, 10/1995)

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News clipping summary from July
News clipping summary from June
News clipping summary from May
News clipping summary from April
News clipping summary from March

Where we have been spotted recently in the media.
Wired UK (issue 1.04)

Article about Sibelius 7.

Thanks to the article's author Tom Standage for this tip.

PC Pro magazine (September 1995)

See PC Pro (September 1995 issue) around page sixty-something. There's a comparison of RISC and CISC computers and Acorn gets a small mention.

Thanks to Sanjay Pattni for this tip.

What Video magazine (August 1995)

Article: 'The lure of Video on Demand'
It's not so often that Acorn are mentioned explicitly, in the general media. However, Acorn were mentioned on no less than three occasions in What Video (Aug95 p25-26). The article was about the OM project in Cambridge and went into considerable detail giving a fair view of the goals of the project.

Quote - "... Demonstrations of MPEG-1 movie material decoded by the Acorn set-top box have been impressive..."

Thanks to Paul Walker for this tip.

Blue Peter - School Web Page Competition (Monthly during 1995)

The BBC television programme Blue Peter is running a competition for best school web page. If your entry is chosen, you will win for your school an Acorn Risc PC plus modem plus a copy of Acorn's Intertalk Internet suite (mail & news readers and web browser), plus a year's membership of the BBC Networking Club, which provides access to the Internet.

For more information, see the Blue Peter pages.

C'T (Computer Technik) magazine (July 1995)

"In c't 7/1995 (german magazin for computer technik) is an article about the RiscPC and the 486-card by Bernd Behr, on pages 162-166. It is partly a description of the RPC 600 and partly a test of how good the RPC / 486-pc-card combination works (compared to 'real' PCs). There are some minor flaws in the article, and some of the bugs he describes have not occured on my machine.

He falsely states that one can't open the DOS-Drives under RiscOS and is surprised to find out that the 30MHz ARM610 is not as fast as a 100MHz processor. The 486SXL-card is compared with a real 486SX/33, a 486DX/33 and a 486DX2/66 which are of course slightly faster. He does not say anything about font-antialiasing (though in an article on page 30 by Peter Siering it is mentioned that Windows 95 will still not have it...)".

Thanks to Holger Kipp for this tip.

If you have seen Acorn mention recently in the press, on TV, or elsewhere, then please let us know! You can use the online NewsTip facility or you can email us at: newsroom@acorn.co.uk

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