ARM designs, licenses and markets high-performance, low-cost, low-power consumption RISC processors, peripherals and development tools for embedded control, consumer/educational multimedia, DSP and portable applications. ARM also provides consulting and training.
ARM licenses its technology to semiconductor partner companies, who focus on manufacturing, applications and marketing. ARM's partners with products in production are: GEC Plessey Semiconductors, Sharp Corporation and VLSI Technologies. The following partners have ARM products in development: Asahi Kasei Microsystems, Cirrus Logic, Digital Semiconductor, ES2, NEC, Samsung and Texas Instruments. Together they make ARM the world's volume RISC standard.
ARM was formed in 1990 by Acorn Computers, Apple Computer and VLSI Technology and in 1993, to strengthen ARM's Japanese position, Nippon Investment and Finance, a Daiwa Securities Company, became ARM's fourth investor.
ARM and ARM Powered Logo are trademarks of Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
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