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An Important Message From
Kevin Coleman

Corporate Affairs Manager


Thursday, 14 September 1995

Following the article by Tim Freeborn in the Daily Mail <13th September> a number of people have expressed concern after reading that we are dropping the RISC based products and introducing a PC for primary schools. We are unhappy about the misinterpretation made about Acorn's position and categorically refute the statements attributed to David Lee.

We have never deviated in our view that RISC OS based computers are best for curriculum use and, as the leading supplier of computers to UK education, we remain committed to selling RISC based systems to schools. We are not defocused from this and as educationalists do not believe that PCs offer an appropriate solution for primary education. However, we do recognise that some customers want a different solution and that's why we already have industry standard products our range, e,g., the leading palmtop in the Pocket Book, based on Psion's Series 3a, and the industry standard PowerPC with industry standard Networking software in the School Server.

Educationalists have no need to worry about Acorn's future commitment to RISC OS and Risc PCs. In July we expanded our product range with the announcement of a new multimedia RISC OS computer, the A7000, and the new Risc PC 700. This week we have publicly stated our support for new generations of RISC based machines and explained why the business model has been changed to support both the core-market and technical development of the Risc business.

We have endeavoured to be honest about the way the education market has changed and will change. We have recognised that we have to provide a wider range of quality products that our customers want. We firmly believe that, for education and particularly for curriculum use, these should be RISC OS based.


Kevin Coleman
Corporate Affairs Manager

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