Digital Journeys is a collaborative Internet art project. As you explore the different themes, feel free to respond to anything on the page by submitting a .jpg or .gif image, some text, poetry, short story, a quicktime or mpeg movie, or .au audio file.
The Internet is rapidly becoming a new avenue for creative artistic expression. The Digital Journeys Collaborative Internet Project will allow individuals from around the world the ability to collaborate on a series of multimedia expressive pieces. The project will be updated frequently and will be able to be viewed during its constuction stages by anyone with access to the World Wide Web. A full screen browser is the preferred method of experiencing the Digital Journeys Project as the integration of image, text, audio and animation plays an important role in the project. To participate you must be able to either ftp images, text, audio, or movie files, or e-mail poetry, shortstories, or expressive phrases to the theme coordinators.