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PC Magazine Top 100 Web Sites
Updated 2/13/96

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Attention Webmasters | About the list

With its intercontinental span and rich, varied communication tools, the Internet's World-Wide Web marks the most significant mass-media revolution since the invention of television. This enormous network of hyperlinked sites lets any organization or individual instantaneously serve up information to a global audience. Freedom of expression on this scale has led to more than its share of frivolity, but it has also spawned huge numbers of innovative, intriguing, and invaluable sites that are instantly accessible from any PC in the Web.

To help you tap into these riches, dozens of PC Magazine editors and Labs technicians examined thousands of home pages in search of the Web's 100 most informative and technically adept sites. Our final choices are divided into ten categories: Computer Resources, Internet Resources, Commerce and Marketing, News and Sports, Government, Reference, Education and Careers, E-zines and On-line Magazines, Art and Music, and After Hours. We've even supplemented these sites with a list of Web catalogs. So turn off your TV and explore the next communication frontier. -- Cade Metz

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