PC Magazine OnlineNewswatch

About PC Magazine Online News. . .

PC Magazine Online is proud to announce that we are improving the timeliness and breadth of our Web-based coverage of breaking computer industry news. In addition to increasing the number of our popular Trends Online analysis stories on computer industry events, we are changing the scope of our Newswatch section as well as introducing a new feature called News.Scan.

Along with new Trends Online news analyses posted each day, Newswatch will cover late-breaking news stories from every corner of the computer industry, with updates being posted constantly on a 24-hour basis. News.Scan will feature summaries of stories culled from the mainstream press, including newspapers, business magazines, and technology periodicals.

The bottom line: Our Trends Online, Newswatch, and News.Scan are targeted to bring you all the industry news you want, as fast as you can possibly get it.

Latest breaking computer industry news

Analysis of events shaping the industry

Headlines from the mainstream press

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