There are 20 Dutch-language programmes at Wageningen which lead to the title of Ingenieur (abbreviated
Ir), comparable to a Master of Science degree. Students are allowed a great deal of freedom in choosing
and combining various subjects in these programmes. The practical training phase, which many choose to
spend abroad, is one aspect particularly valued by Wageningen students, and which also contributes to
the international stature of the university. Wageningen offers the following Ingenieur Degree
- Agricultural and Environmental Economics (economie van landbouw en milieu)
- Agricultural Engineering (landbouwtechniek)
- Agricultural Systems Sciences (agrosysteemkunde)
- Animal Sciences (zoötechniek)
- Biology (biologie)
- Bioprocess Technology (bioprocestechnologie)
- Physical Planning (landinrichtingswetenschappen)
- Environmental Sciences (milieuhygiëne)
- Crop Science (landbouwplantenteelt)
- Food Technology (levensmiddelentechniek)
- Forestry (bosbouw)
- Household and Consumer Sciences (huishoud- en consumentenwetenschappen)
- Horticulture (tuinbouw)
- Human Nutrition and Health (voeding en gezondheid)
- Molecular Sciences (moleculaire wetenschappen)
- Plant Breeding and Plant Protection (plantenveredeling en gewasbescherming)
- Rural Development Studies (rurale ontwikkelingsstudies)
- Soil, Water, Atmosphere (bodem, water, atmosfeer)
- Tropical Land Use (tropisch landgebruik)
- Interspecialisation Recreation and Tourism (interspecialisatie recreatie en toerisme)
Practical Information
- Academic year begins: September
- Total duration of study: 4/5 years
- Basic requirements: six years of pre-university education and fluency in Dutch (intensive language
course available)
- Admission: based on individual application and/or an entrance examination
- Language of instruction: Dutch (occasionally English)
- Tuition fees (until 1-1-1996): approximately NLG 2150/year
- Cost of living: approximatelly NLG 1500/month. Books and study materials extra.
- Information: Wageningen Agricultural University, Students Affairs, P.O. Box 9101, 6701 HB
Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Updated January 26, 1996 by Gert van Maanen.
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