Welcome To WhosVille

Honorary WhosVille Citizen of the month: Dr. Suess; Horton Hears A Who!

WhosVille residents enjoy sharing their thoughts and visions with the rest of the world.
You will often find them gleefully glued to a computer screen,talking to themselves in whispered tones.
We know the type!
Special prizes and incentives are planned for all certified WhosVille citizens.
But first you have to apply for citizenship!

Here are the categories:


Be Honest! WhosVille frowns deeply upon fibbers!

What is your Real Name?

What is your email address?

URL (if you have one)?

Category : You must pick one!

Artist Medium Writer Musician Teacher

Computer Guru Hacker CyberJockey Road Scholar

All of the Above

Other (Please Specify)

Please leave a short biography: 30 words or less.

Which status are you applying to or upgrading for:

Who sent you?

Found it Myself Friend Relative Kindred Spirit

Link From Another Page (url specifications)

Other WhosVille Resident (exact specifications)

Thank you for InterFacing. You shall be contacted soon.

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