The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live.
The goal of the Objectivism WWW Service is to make Objectivism-related information available to WWW users. There are two components to this goal: first, to provide locally-sponsored content such as essays and bibliographies. Second, to provide pointers to other resources---both on and off the net---that may be of interest to people interested in Objectivism.
Objectivism in brief, plus a FAQ , bibliographies of Rand's and related works, and a series of essays.
Information on email lists, newsgroups, Objectivist and free-market organizations, and book services; links to electronic texts and Gopher, FTP, and HTTP sites; and more.
Fiction and poetry; book, movie, and album reviews; Reason's Brickbats, Liberty's Terra Incognita, and other humorous links.
News and events of interest to Objectivists.
Who we are; usage statistics; and a form to us send comments.