Analytical and Biophysical Environmental Chemistry Group
University of Geneva-Switzerland
Nature of the group and cooperations
CABE activities include both teaching and research works. The latter are developped along three interconnected lines, the main theme being the understanding of physico-chemical processes which regulate trace compound circulation and bioavailability in aquatic systems (surface waters, soils, sediments), and the development of appropriate in situ analytical techniques.
Teaching Activities
Undergraduate teaching
In addition to participation in general chemistry courses and laboratories for all students in natural sciences, the group is responsible for teaching Instrumental Analytical Chemistry to chemistry and Environmental Chemistry and biochemistry students.
CABE is also part of a teaching network composed of groups from the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne and from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Lausanne). The network was organised to teach environmental sciences in western (francophone) Switzerland at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Post-Graduate Courses
CABE organises intensive post-graduate courses (3 to 5 days), given by internationally recognised invited speakers, in the field of Analytical Chemistry and Biophysical Environmental Chemistry. For example, the following courses have been recently organised:
* Physico-chemical properties of polymers in solution and at interfaces (Dr. M. Cohen Stuart, Univ. Wageningen, NL, February 1993)
* Coagulation of Colloids (Prof. C.R. O'Melia, John's Hopkins Univ.,USA, July 1993)
* Characterisation of natural organic macromolecules and colloids by spectroscopic techniques (Prof. N. Senesi, Univ. Bari, Italy, April 1994)
* Theoretical basis of polymer properties and surface polymer interactions (Prof. R. Varoqui, Institut Ch. Sadron, Strasbourg, France, June 1994)
The CABE staff also contributes to the organisation and/or teaching of various European post-graduate courses, e.g. 1993-95:
* Post-graduate course in natural sciences of the environment, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, Switzerland.
* Post-graduate course on environment, surface waters. Ecole Nationale du Genie Rural, des Eaux et des Forets, France.
* Course on environmental chemistry of inorganic pollutants, European Environmental Research Organisation (EERO), Belleville s/Saone, France
* Course on nano and microtechnology applied to modern instrumental chemical analysis methods, Convention Romande du 3e cycle en Chimie, Chambery, Switzerland
Research Activities
On field studies of Bio-Physico-Chemical factors controlling trace compound circulation. Click Here.
Experimental and Numerical modeling of complexation and aggregation processes. Click Here.
Development of sensors and probes for in situ analysis and speciation in waters and sediments. Click Here.
CABE Members and Fields of Specialization
Click Here.
Number of visitors (3/10/95):
Prof. Jacques Buffle,
Département de Chimie Minérale, Analytique et Appliquée
Sciences II, 30 Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland
Serge Stoll: