- A.V. Williams Event Bulletin Board
- Upcoming Events are announced here.
Local Newsgroups
- Graduate Announcements
- (csd.grad.announce newsgroup - will only work in CS/UMIACS)
- Undergraduate Announcements
- (csd.ugrad.announce newsgroup - will only work on UMCP campus)
- Lab Support Announcements
- (csd.labs newsgroup - will only work on UMCP campus)
Event Pages
- CDS '96
- 3rd International Confernce on Configurable Distributed Systems.
(May 6-8, 1996).
- WOPA '96
- Worshop on Parallel Algorithms.
(Saturday, May 25, 1996).
International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems
2nd International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems.
(September 26-28, 1996).
- FOCS '96
- The 37th Annual IEEE Conference on Foundations of Computer Science.
(October 14-16, 1996).
Lecture Series
UMCP Logic and AI Seminar Series
- The University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies has
been sponsoring a weekly seminar series on Logic and Artificial
Intelligence since 1993.
During the 95-96 academic year, this seminar is being held on Tuesdays
at 3:30 p.m., in room 3258 of the AV Williams Bldg. All are welcome to
If you are sponsoring an event that you would like us to link in here,
please send us e-mail.