The Times Higher Education Supplement is now available on CD-Rom from Chadwyck-Healey. It is essential reading for academics and researchers in tertiary, higher and postgraduate education. It reports on and debates the latest
developments in the international academic community. Every week The THES's
international news features and opinion pages report and analyse everything from academic
research and training to government policy, information technology and industry links. The
letters pages provide a further platform for open discussion. There are up to 12 pages of
book reviews, focusing on a different subject area each week.
Circulation is still growing steadily and publication in electronic form will
improve the accessibility of some of the best critical analysis produced in the UK.
The 1995 issues of The THES will be available individually or together with the Times Educational Supplement on one CD-Rom . Publication is bi-annual, with each new disc cumulating the current year
and replacing the previous disc. The CD-Rom is in Windows format
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