1996 SunSoft Technology Exchange: April 17-18 San Jose, May 15-16 Boston

Register now, Save $100, and Get a cool Java gift!

This year, you have even more opportunities to hear about SunSoft's powerful technologies for developing network-enabled applications. SunSoft is taking its annual developer and networking conference on the road. You can attend the SunSoft Technology Exchange in the location most convenient for you.

Save $100 off the full conference price when you register by March 29 for the San Jose conference, or by April 16 for the Boston conference. Plus, you'll receive a cool Java gift, just for registering early!

April 17-18, 1996
San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA
$399 before March 29, 1996
May 15-16, 1996
Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA
$399 before April 16, 1996

Four Easy Ways to Register:

Online: San Jose Registration
Boston Registration
(Payment secured through credit card encryption)
Phone: 1-800-638-7576
408-363-9396 outside the US
Fax-on-Demand: 1-800-769-4000
415-688-4357 outside the US
Postal Mail: SunSoft Technology Exchange Registration
7176 Santa Teresa Blvd., Suite B-7
San Jose, California 95139

Conference OverviewTracks and SessionsJava & Objects Camps

Questions or comments regarding this service? webmaster@sun.com

Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2550 Garcia Ave., Mtn. View, CA 94043-1100 USA. All rights reserved.