These are common questions and comments about Sun's World-Wide Web server. If your question isn't answered, or comment addressed, please pass it on to us.
Q: How can I get a copy of an image on one of Sun's pages?

A: Easy. For instance, if you're using NCSA Mosaic -

  1. go to the Sun page that contains the image.
  2. pull down "File" and select "View Source...".
  3. find the path/name of the image file in the source panel; it should be something like <img SRC="[unarchived-media]">.
  4. pull down "Options" and select "Load to Local Disk".
  5. pull down "File" and select "Load URL...".
  6. in the URL popup, enter "" and press the "[Open]" button.
  7. when a popup appears asking for a path and filename to store as, pick what you want and click on "[OK]".
If you're using another browser, chances are it has similar capabilities.
Q: Does anyone look at this stuff on a monochrome monitor?

A: Yes. We know that part of the current image set doesn't display well in most viewers running on monochrome monitors, and we're looking into it.

Unfortunately, it's a very non-trivial problem to balance image use in general when the audience covers the display spectrum from large 24-bit color monitors to ASCII terminals, and the access spectrum from full-bandwidth LAN to 2400-baud dialup.

Q: Why don't you have the price list here?

A: Which price list? Sun Telesales or Sun Express? For which country? There are lots of pricelists. We're trying to figure out the best way to do this in a global environment.

Q: Why don't you put patches on this machine?

A: SunService provides patches to contract customers.

Q: What tools do you use to create these HTML pages?

A: Mostly vi or emacs. PD filter/converters. No magic apps, I'm afraid.

Q: What kind of search capability do you offer?

A: We're currently using freeWAIS which offers case-insensitive search, including use of the boolean operators 'and' and 'or', and the wildcard '*' for word completion.

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