Master of Science programs
We currently have seven Master of Science programs. These programs, and the five primary emphasis areas for each, are as follows:
artificial intelligence
software engineering
high performance computing, parallel computing, programming
languages and operating systems
imaging, vision and neural networks
analysis of algorithms and theory of computing
controls and robotics
communication theory and systems
computer architecture
image analysis and computer vision
electronic devices, circuits, and systems
expert database systems
computer security
database management systems
corporate information management, planning and policy
information systems software
probabilistic modeling
communication and transportation networks
mathematical programming
simulation and modeling
numerical analysis and computing
software requirements identification
software economics, quality assurance, and management
software reusability and prototyping
programmer and software productivity
software verification, validation, and testing
computational statistics
statistical estimation, time series analysis, and forecasting
statistical visualization and signal processing
applied engineering statistics
federal statistics and survey research
systems methodology and design
systems management and total quality management
cognitive ergonomics and system design for human interaction
intelligent systems engineering
command and control systems engineering