Class Home Pages
BE 511 - BIO II Biosystems
BE 565 - Biomedical Instrumentation
CHE 351 - Advanced Transport Processes
CSE 110 - Introduction to Programming
CSE 110 (Accelerated) - Introduction to Programming
CSE 120 - Programming Languages and Techniques I
CSE 121 - Programming Languages and Techniques II
CSE 180 - X Windows Programming Lab
CSE 240 - Introduction to Computer Architecture
CSE 262 - Automata, Computers and Complexity
CSE 330 - Database Management Systems
CSE 333 - Introduction to Parallel Processing
CSE 341 - Compilers and Interpreters
CSE 370 - Introduction to Switching Theory
Lecture section
Laboratory section
CSE 371 - Digital System Organization and Design
CIS 500 - Programming Languages and Techniques
CIS 501 - Computer Architecture
CIS 502 - Algorithms
CIS 510 - Computer Aided Design
CIS 511 - Theory of Computation
CIS 550 - Database Management Systems
CIS 570 - Modern Programming Language Implementation
EE 215 - Electrical Circuits and Systems I
EE 216 - Electrical Engineering and Systems II
EE 218 - Physics and Models of Semiconductor Devices
EE 330 - Digital Circuits and Logic Design
EE 419 - Analog Integrated Circuits
EE 500 - Linear Systems
EE 539 - Neural Networks & Applications
EE 562 - Analog Integrated Circuits
SYS 304 - Optimization of Systems