Welcome to the home page of the Community Education Service (CES) part of the provision of Strathclyde Regional Council's Department of Education.

Actually, that description will be accurate only until 31 March 1996 when Local Government in Scotland is re-organised and we will fall under the direction of the new Glasgow City Council.

Publishing this page on the Web is intended to achieve five main objectives:

If you're not from these shores then it's likely that you'll have heard more about Edinburgh - a small town forty miles to the east of our metropolis - but Glasgow is the heart of the country and don't you dare miss it if you're ever in this part of the world!

Like most large, multi-cultural cities (c650,000 inhabitants is pretty big by our standards) Glasgow has its' problems as well as its' opportunities for the future. The disappearance of traditional industries (primarily shipbuilding and other heavy engineering production) has left a huge gap which has never been successfully filled.

CES provision for young people is based on voluntary participation and strives to empower them to examine and participate in the issues which will influence their lives. Full time and sessional staff interact with young people on their own terms and, using peer education and other strategies, attempt to tackle topics such as alcohol/drug misuse, HIV/Aids, homelessness, (in)equality of opportunity associated with race and/or gender etc.

In the field of adult and continuing education, the CES is actively involved in the provision of client centred, area/needs based education around negotiated curricula.

Working with an army of volunteers, CES staff assist others in essential skills development and promote programmes which acknowledge and explore the cultural and racial diversity of our city.

The CES also supports, and receives support from, the voluntary sector in a vast range of collaborative initiatives.

Despite being a small, but perfectly formed, country on the periphery of Europe - Scotland has a long tradition of internationalism= and we regard broadening the literal and metaphorical horizons of people as being a key element of our work.

If you're involved in similar activities, we'd like to hear from you so to send to, or receive more information from the CES in Glasgow please:

E-Mail: GDP@pceo-glw.scotnet.co.uk

Or snail mail:

Gordon D Peden

Principal Community Education Officer

Strathclyde Regional Council - Department of Education (Glasgow)

129 Bath Street

Glasgow G2 2SY


Thanks for bearing with us on this, our first venture in to Cyberspace. We hope to be back soon with a more sophisticated home page including links to a variety of relevant agencies.