QNSnet - Pricing

QNS Internet Access Pricing

General Information

Full-Featured Standard Accounts

Terms and Conditions are available

The standard accounts, Economy, Basic and Route 66 are full featured accounts which may be used for personal or business purposes. These accounts permit analog modem or ISDN terminal adapter dial-up access. These accounts have a peak service period of 8AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday. Any other time is off-peak. The standard connect time charges are $3.00 per hour peak, and $1.00 per hour off-peak.

PPP or SLIP dial-up IP access is provided with each account as well as a UNIX shell account. UNIX accounts include a home directory disk allowance of 10 megabytes, plus an ample public temporary storage area at no extra charge.

The Economy plan provides pay-as-you-go access at standard rates with a minimum billing of only $8.95 per month. The Basic plan has an allowance of 30 off-peak hours plus 3 peak hours per month for $19.95. The Route66 plan has an allowance of 60 hours off-peak plus 6 hours peak for $39.95 per month. Additional connect time is billed at standard rates.

Standard Account Summary

Account Hours included Base rate

Standard Account Summary
AccountHours IncludedBase Rate
EconomyEquals 9 off-peak or 3 peak$8.95 per month
Basic30 off-peak plus 3 peak$19.95 per month
Route 6660 off-peak plus 6 peak$39.95 per month
Peak times: 8:00am-5:00pm, Mon.- Fri. Peak rate: $3.00/hour, Off-peak: $1.00/hour

Personal Accounts

Terms and Conditions are available

QNSnet offers several different pricing plans for personal, non-commercial use. These plans are designed to accommodate the a wide range of needs, from our super-economical Passport 22 account to the new Passport Express with unlimited off-peak and Passport Gold with unlimited peak and off-peak access.

All personal accounts are prepaid discount plans for non-commercial use only. The Passport 22, Passport 33, and Passport Express accounts include a certain number of hours of usage in the plan. This time is allocated first to peak time and then to off-peak time. For the Passport 22 and Passport 33 accounts, usage over this allotment will be billed at $1.00/hour for peak time (8:00am until midnight, Monday through Friday) and $0.25/hour for off-peak time. The Passport Express account is billed for $1.00/hour for peak usage over the allotment (8:00am until midnight, Monday through Friday), with all other connect time being free.

The completely new Passport Gold account is designed for the "power user", and includes "reasonable unlimited access" for a low $29.95 per month. Please note that by reasonable unlimited access does not imply that you are permitted to be connected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We expect customers using this account to be in front of their computer when connected, and reserve the right to enforce this policy if we deem it necessary.

PPP or SLIP dial-up IP access is provided with each account as well as a UNIX shell account. UNIX accounts include a home directory disk allowance of 2 megabytes. Additional disk usage is billed at a rate of $1.00 per megabyte of average daily peak usage. Also available is an ample public temporary storage area at no extra charge.

On Passport accounts your credit card or checking account will be billed an amount sufficient to maintain a credit balance equal to your average month's usage anytime the credit balance falls below $10.00. We may elect to defer billing until the amount owing exceeds $20.00. The connect time allowance and disk usage charges are based on the calendar month.

Passport Account Summary
AccountHours IncludedBase Rate
Passport 2222 hours included$9.95 per month
Passport 3333 hours included$14.95 per month
Passport Express44 hours peak, FREE OFF-PEAK$19.95 per month
Passport GoldUNLIMITED!$29.95 per month
Peak times: 8:00am-12:00am (midnight), Mon. - Fri.
Peak Rate: $1.00/hr, Off-peak rate: $0.25/hr

Service Benefits

Both Standard Accounts and Personal Accounts include, but are not limited to, the following Internet client programs that run on QNSnet UNIX hosts: Usenet News 14,000 groups available about 7000+ are active, E-mail, ftp, telnet, tn3270, finger, talk, whois, archie, gopher, IRC, WAIS, WWW, multi-player networked games such as bridge, go, chess and MUD's.

All service plans include direct access to the Internet via SLIP, CSLIP and PPP dial-up IP protocols. Access is unfiltered . Internet services available from QNS include DNS, E-mail transfer by SMTP, POP2 and POP3, and Usenet news by NNTP. Unfiltered Usenet news access is available.

Commercial World Wide Web Services

For our commercial customers wishing to cash in on the recent increase in Internet advertising and commerce, QNSnet is pleased to offer enhanced World Wide Web (WWW) services. For a low $25.00 per month, your company or organization can create interactive CGI-enabled WWW pages, allowing visitors to your WWW site to perform actions such as leaving their name and address requesting a catalog, participating in a poll or survey, or even placing an order for merchandise! The possibilities are endless!

Our Commercial WWW Services also includes a "Virtual Web Server." This feature makes your home page look as if it's residing on your own internet site, especially if coupled with the Domain Name Service (DNS) option. For example, with the DNS option, your WWW site could be http://www.acme.com instead of http://www.qns.com/~acme. Without the DNS option, we can configure the Virtual Web Server so your URL could be http://acme.qns.com or http://www.acme.qns.com, whichever you prefer.

Daunted by all of the acronyms and buzzwords? Do you wish to get started on the internet quickly, instead of having to brave the steep learning curve? QNSnet offers custom WWW consulting for a modest $40.00/hour, with a one hour minimum. Our experienced staff can help you design your WWW page so that it is attractive, informative, and one that is visited frequently!

Internet Domain Name Service (DNS)

QNSnet offers Domain Name Service support for $10.00 per month to standard plan customers who wish to register their own domain name on the internet. This allows you to have your own email address on the internet that is not under the QNSnet domain. For example, you could have your mail sent to jones@acme.com instead of jones@qns.com. Coupled with our Commercial WWW services, this allows you to have a virtual web presence as well, such as http://www.acme.com!


Questar Network Services is pleased to offer ISDN connectivity to our commercial and non-commercial customers. We offer both dial-up pay as you go and dedicated service, with several options available.

For the ultimate in personal connectivity, we offer personal unlimited dial-up service. This option is perfect for the ultimate power user! Below is a table of QNSnet charges for providing this service.

Personal Unlimited Dail-up ISDN
DescriptionQNSnet Installation FeeMonthly Fee
1B+D (64 kb/s)$49.00 (one time)$39.95/month
No hourly connect charges! Flat rate!

Commercial Dial-up ISDN
DescriptionQNSnet Installation FeeMonthly Fee
1B+D (64 kb/s)$49.00 (one time) see "standard account summary"
Flat rate, dedicated 24 hours/day, 7 days/week access

As a service to our customers, all Southwestern Bell circuit orders will be placed by QNSnet, and will be billed direct to the customer from Southwestern Bell. To ensure compatibility with our equipment, please check with us before ordering your ISDN equipment. We will preconfigure any equipment purchased from us ready for use. QNSnet uses Ascend ISDN equipment exclusively.

Current Southwestern Bell ISDN rates
DescriptionInstallation chargeMonthly Charge
1B+D (64k)$482.75$80.90/month
2B+D (128k)$565.50$104.40/month
All rates are flat rates, with no metered charges


To subscribe or to get more information, please call Walt Conner at Questar Network Services.

Information and guest account access are available by calling the data line with your modem set for 8-N-1 using VT-100 terminal emulation at any speed up to 28,800 bps; at speeds of 9600 or more, enable hardware flow control, RTS/CTS handshaking.

These new prices are effective 10/1/95 for all customers.