Archive of Web announcements
February 1996
- Princeton University's 250th Anniversary
Celebration commences
this week
- Celebrate the University's 250th Anniversary with a visit to the Interactive Campus
History 1746-1996 brought to you by the CIT Interactive Computer
Graphics Laboratory and the School of Engineering and Applied
The Olmec
Exhibit at The Art Museum has been extended until Sunday, March 3
. Don't miss it!
- Please visit CIT's
Mirror Site,
a convenience for downloading software
- Visit the CIT Help
Desk on the Web
- CIT announces Support For
Windows 95 OS
- On February 5, SCOLA
will return to Princeton Tiger Video.
(Administrative Channel 8; Dorm Channel 3). At the same time, Russian
language programming will be restored on Administrative Channel 10, Dorm
Channel 5.
- AnswerWeb lets you ask and
see questions about Princeton WWW services and support.
(Princeton only)
- Presentation outlines and examples from the WWW Workshops for Faculty held January 22,23
January 1996
- The third Information
Technology Fair will be held on January 30, 1996 from 10 AM to 4 PM in
the lower lobby of Robertson Hall (Woodrow Wilson School).(original positng 1/12/1996)
- Dean's Date has been extended to Friday, January 19 due
to travel delays which have kept many students from returning on time.
Take-home exams are still due on Monday, January 22, and there is no
change anticipated in the final exam schedule. (original posting 01/10/96)
- Princeton is evaluating Indexing
Systems for querying campuswide WWW information. Please give us your
opinions. Newly added: the Verity Topic Indexer (original posting 1/3/96)
- Call the Snow Phone at 258-2255 and enter SNOW (7669) to get
news of closures and delayed openings. (original post 12/20/95)
- Faculty World Wide Web Workshops on Jan.
10-11: two days of presentations and workshops for faculty on all
aspects of the Web. (Posted 12/21/95 - note POSTPONED DUE TO INCLEMENT
WEATHER - rescheduled for 01/22/96-01/23/96)
- DowJones News Service going away January 1, 1996.
December 1995
- Faculty, please look at what is available in
and Media Resources for the Spring term.(original posting
- Visit Bookline, where
Princeton students can post and read ads for their old textbooks.
(original posting 12/4/95)
- The 1995
Wolf Prize for Mathematics was awarded to Robert Langlands,
Institute for Advanced Study, and Professor of Mathematics Andrew J. Wiles
for their research in number theory.(original posting 11/21/95)
- Princeton is evaluating Indexing
Systems for querying campuswide WWW information.
Please give us your opinions. (original posting 11/13/95)
November 1995
October 1995
September 1995
- AppleTalk zone name expansion - McCormick, September 27, 1995
- All Princeton users may now serve Web pages directly from
Novell Servers (you no longer need a Unix account for Web pages).
(original posting 9/8/95)
- HTTP and WAIS Proxy servers
now available to the Princeton community (original posting 9/5/95)
Princeton University Campus FAX Gateway
Send faxes from Windows, DOS, Macintosh, Unix and Mainframe.
New fax services are available to send a paper fax to many
fax recipients with one transmission; also receive and read faxes
on the Internet. (original posting 9/8/95)
- The CIT Mac Software
Server, for copying Macintosh software distributed by CIT,
is now available on the Web. (Princeton only, original
posting 9/5/95)
- Sytek
service will end September 6, 1995 (original posting
- Server-side Includes enabled. The server
now supports limited server-side includes (no user executables). Files
containing server-side include instructions must have the suffix
*.shtml. For more instructions see the relevant section
in CIT's Creating
your WWW home page tutorial, or NCSA's Server-Side
Includes instructions.
- The
Spigot's Princeton Guide
to online student resources.
- Web Statistics now enhanced (Princeton
only) A personal Web Page statistical reporting service, now with
more detailed instructions, glossary, and more informative reports
Last updated 3/12/96