RETURN TO FAQ CONTENTSHow can we find a nude beach or resort?
Contact the Naturist Society, P.O. Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54902 USA (414-426-5009). Lee Baxandall, the society's president, compiles a regularly updated World Guide to Nude Beaches and Resorts, which is available from the society for $32, postpaid. The society also lobbies to preserve laws that allow for nude beaches (as of early 1995, proposed legislation in California and Florida would outlaw them). Another source is the American Association for Nude Recreation, 1703 North Main Street, Suite E, Kissimmee, FL 34744-3396 USA; phone 1-800-879-6833 for a free information packet that includes a brief listing of nude recreation clubs by state. The association also sells the North American Guide to Nude Recreation for $29.95, postpaid.
If you wish to sell issues of Playboy from the Sixties to the present, we
suggest you consult owners of used book and magazine stores in your area. Due to the weight and shipping costs involved, you might consider placing a
classified ad in your local newspaper. You can also try the Internet discussion group
alt.mag.playboy or the Playboy listserv (to subscribe, send mail to with the word "subscribe" on the Subject line).Does Playboy buy old issues from readers?
No, we have enough of our own. If you own issues of Playboy dated pre-1964 that you would like to sell, write Douglas Tracy at the Centerfold Shop, 1220 23rd Street, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92102 USA. Tracy specializes in issues from the Fifties and early Sixties, which he buys as well as sells. He is an independent collector and conducts business by mail order correspondence only. Tracy is not affiliated with our company, but has been an avid Playboy collector and dealer since 1968. You can also write the Playboy Collectors Association, c/o Tom Bonner, P.O. Box 653, Phillipsburg, MO 65722-0653 USA.
<Playmate Name>
If Playboy is unable to forward your mail, it will return the letter to you marked "Return to Sender, Unable to Forward." You should also be careful about what you send. If you want a Playmate to autograph a copy of the magazine, make sure you don't send your only one, as once Playboy forwards it, it's in the hands of the U.S. Postal Service (enough said).
Each request for an autograph or letter to a Playmate should be sent separately. If you're asking for a response, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Remember to include your street address in the letter, as well, so that the Playmate can respond. We don't know of any Playmates who can be contacted on the Net--yet.
Unfortunately, Playboy cannot forward mail to other celebrities or models who appear in the magazine.
RETURN TO FAQ CONTENTSHow can I write my favorite Playmate?
Send your letter (remember to include a return address) to :
Miss <month><year>
c/o Playmate Promotions
9242 Beverly Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA
Playmate and Newsstand Special applicants must be at least 18 years old and proof of age must be submitted with your photos. This should be in the form of photocopies of two
pieces of identification. Only the following will be accepted: driver's license, passport, birth certificate, Social Security card or identification issued by state of residence. One ID must have a current photograph and list your date of birth.
The individual submitting the photos to Playboy, if other than the applicant, may be eligible to receive a finder's fee upon publication of the feature. A finder's fee is paid at Playboy's discretion.
Send all Playmate candidate photos to the Playmate Editor at Playboy in Chicago (680 North Lake Shore Drive, 60611) or Santa Monica, CA (Playboy Studio West, 2112 Broadway Avenue, 90404).
Send all Newsstand Special candidate photos to Playboy Newsstand Specials, 680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60611 USA.
All materials will be returned once a decision has been reached. Expect a
response in about eight weeks.
RETURN TO FAQ CONTENTSHow can my wife or girlfriend pose for Playboy?
Applicants for Playmate or Newsstand Specials should send Playboy recent color photographs of themselves, preferably nudes. The photos should be prints, Polaroids or transparencies and show a variety of poses, including full figure and face shots. The editors would also like information about the applicant, such as height, weight, measurements, occupation and hobbies.