Playboy regularly publishes nonfiction articles on a wide range of topics--sports, politics, music, topical humor, personality profiles, business and finance, science and technology--and other topics that have a bearing on our readers' lifestyles.
You can best determine what we're looking for by becoming familiar with the nonfiction we are currently publishing. We frequently reject ideas and articles--many of high quality--simply because they are inappropriate to our publication. We have a six-month lead time, so timing is very important. Nonfiction queries should be sent to Playboy Magazine, Attn: Articles Editor, 680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago IL 60611 or by email to
Your brief query should outline your idea, explain why it's right for Playboy and tell us something about yourself. Handwritten submissions will be returned unread. Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced and accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Writers who submit manuscripts without a stamped, self-addressed return envelope will receive neither the manuscript nor a printed rejection.
The average length for nonfiction pieces is 4,000 to 5,000 words, and minimum payment for an article of this length is $3,000. We do not accept unsolicited poetry. Playboy buys first North American serial rights only--no second serial rights are considered. Playboy does not accept simultaneous submissions.
A bit of advice for writers: Please bear in mind that Playboy is not a venue where beginning writers should expect to be published. Nearly all of our writers have long publication histories, working their way up through newspapers and regional publications. Aspiring writers should gain experience, and an extensive file of by-lined features, before approaching Playboy. Please don't call our offices to ask how to submit a story or to explain a story. Don't ask for sample copies, a statement of editorial policy, a reaction to an idea for a story, or a detailed critique. We are unable to provide these, as we receive dozens of submissions daily. Our response time is approximately four weeks.
We appreciate your interest in Playboy. We hope these guidelines will assist you in submitting work that is suited to Playboy's high standards.